When Emma regainedconsciousness, she was in the air again. She felt movement and began to panic.
An oxygen mask was on her face, and above her, a woman mumbled something about calming down.
Was she insane?
This plane was about to go down.
Emma had to get this thing off her face.
Suddenly, her body relaxed, and the world disappeared.
THE NEXT TIME SHE WOKE, Emma didn’t bother opening her eyes immediately. Mainly because she was exhausted.
Also because she was confused. Was there something she had to remember?
Was she at home? Or in New York?
Emma wasn’t sure.
Ice cream. That’s what she wanted. Maybe she had to get ice cream. What would she need ice cream for?
Think, Emma.
Oh, she was in the Hamptons, with Harper and gorgeous Logan.
No, that’s not right. I left. I’m traveling home. Oh, am I on the p—
Her eyes flew open, and she began to scream. Or tried. Her throat was dry, and it came out like a croaky gasp.
“Emma. I’m here. Emma, it’s Mom. Dad and Lily are here too,” her mother cried.
Machines beeped, and then footsteps came running in.
“Move aside, please,” a stranger’s voice said. “Morning, Emma, I’m Nurse Phillips. How are you feeling?”
Her eyes darted from her mom to her dad, who was a foot away, and then back to the nurse. Behind them, her brother, Kevin, stood with wide eyes beside a teary-eyed Lily.
Oh God.
“The plane. It’s...We. Crashed,” Emma croaked out, her eyes wide, tears forming. She grabbed the nurse’s arm.
“Em, oh my God, Em,” Lily cried, and Kevin hugged her.
“Emma, my baby girl,” her mother sobbed, wrapping her arms around her middle as Emma’s father pulled her against him.
“You’re safe now. You’re at the Chicago Hospital and have been in and out of consciousness for the past day and a half,” the nurse said. “Likely shock. You’ve got some bruised ribs, a sprained ankle, and possibly a head injury.”
I’m alive.
I’m not on the plane.
Emma glanced at her mom and dad. Being doctors, she figured they were on top of all the lingo being thrown at her.