Love had made its way back into my path as a glaring possibility, and, even though I had spent a life-time proclaiming that I didn’t want it, my life had transformed into something unimaginable.
I couldn’t remain single after the tournament, but I could prevent a life-time of misery with someone I didn’t know. This was the perfect arrangement. I needed to find a husband, he needed me to love him.
I reached out and took his hand. His rough fingers scratched against the calluses on my palm. My mouth went dry as his fingers curled around my own.
“Do you like me?” The words were flat, and so, so inadequate for matters of the heart. But, the heart had always been a mystery to me, I didn’t know how to make someone care about me.
His eyebrows raised as understanding washed over his face.
Apparently, I had underestimated his hope for us to be together, because he swept me up in his arms seconds later. One of my curls was suddenly between his fingers, and he gently tugged on the coil before brushing the lock of hair back behind my ear.
Every part of me felt strange, like I was no longer living in my own skin.
He flashed me a hungry grin. I’d never seen him so ungentlemanly before. “Of course I like you. Everyone does.” Then the hand that had tugged on my hair slipped down to cup my neck, angling my face gently and bringing our lips together.
At first, I felt hot all over. Not particularly good.
The only thought in my mind was,this would bring me safety.
But then Isaac changed. His mouth moved with languid grace, and he adjusted his hold on my body, bringing us flush. He tasted faintly of something tart and spicy at the same time. Then, he was encouraging my lips to part with his tongue.
I was persuaded, good and thorough. If he wanted this, then I could encourage him. This bond felt special.
His hands explored as he moved us both backward, pushing me toward a wall on the outside of the track.
I whimpered, and he growled.
I’d never heard anyone make a noise like that before. Something irrefutable lit up inside of me as Isaac drew my lip between his teeth and bit down hard.
I cried out and pushed him away. A warm dribble of liquid leaked out of the side of my mouth and my hand flew up to wipe it away just as the ripple of heat took over.
The golden force washed over me like warm water.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” I shouted at Isaac as he watched me with a devious smirk. “My blood could have burned you.”
At the mention of heat, a new scalding liquid pooled in my insides, but this one had nothing to do with magic and everything to do with how wrong this felt.
Isaac raised an eyebrow and tilted his chin upward. “You think a little danger would keep me from kissing La Chica Dorada?” He was one of the few people who could look down at me.
I fisted my hand.
He took a step back. “Renata,” he intoned. “I’m sorry. We aren’t feral animals. Calm down.”
My blood pulsed through my veins and I gritted my teeth. “Don’t make me bleed again. I am not a toy.”
A tidal wave of emotions crashed over me—anger, confusion, vulnerability, hurt. His eyes reflected the gleam of my skin, and he licked his lip before taking another step toward me.
He brought his hand up next to my face and let it hover there for a few seconds. “I’m sorry, Renata. I was caught up in a moment of passion. It is not so uncommon for lovers to bite each other,” he said. I thought about the Sanguine Call. Did Isaac feel that for me? The devious smirk had vanished and was replaced with his eyebrows angled upward and his eyes somewhat wide and sincere.
The anger and heat leaked out of me.
Magda never spoke of biting while kissing, but she didn’t have Blood Magic. Maybe this was normal, and I was overreacting.
In the end, it was his tone that put a small part of me at ease. “I am new to this,” I breathed.
When his hand finally cupped my cheek, I did not pull away.
“You really are breathtaking when you are gold,” Isaac breathed as he leaned closer. “Do you taste like metal now?”