Page 42 of A Touch of Savagery

Roth went very still for a moment although his breathing quickened before he dropped the key in.

Oriel snatched it as Roth backed away toward his bedroom door and tensed like a cat preparing to fight. The pupils of his eyes were blown wide, and his tail had fluffed out. Oriel nearly dropped the key, but he rammed it into the lock. Everything he’d promised himself he’d do it now. This bitch would suffer for his foolishness.

As soon as Oriel was out of the cage, Roth’s ears flattened as he darted through his bedroom doorway. Gripping the knife, Oriel almost slipped on the shiny floor, but he followed. Roth barely got six steps before Oriel grabbed a good handful of his long red hair, and he grunted as it was yanked.

In a second, Oriel had slammed him face-first against the wall. Roth shuddered as the blade touched his jugular.

“I already caught you, you fucking asshole,” Oriel snapped as he pressed his chest against Roth's back. “You’re fucking pathetic.”

Roth scrambled at the wall and tried to push away from it, but Oriel shoved him against it with his whole body.

“Okay, you caught me. Punish me like I deserve. I know you want to pin me down, so use some of that anger. I want it.”

Did this piece of shit think he still had the upper hand in some way or that Oriel would suddenly back off and beg for mercy?

“No one wants to get raped,” Oriel managed to get through gritted teeth.

Roth ground his ass against Oriel’s crotch. He was almost ashamed that he started to respond to the simple friction, but he had promised himself that he’d rape this bastard and make him feel what Oriel had even if it was just a tiny bit. He couldn’t get back at those men in his room, the sailors, or any of those who had hurt Aspen, but he could make this one pay. Didn’t he at least deserve revenge on one?

Roth probably thought he didn’t have the guts to do it and that he’d give up out of fear.

“Even with a knife to my throat, you’re still a bitch like I thought,” Roth growled. “You don’t have even the guts to rape me. You’re weak.”

Oriel jerked down his sleep pants and yanked him toward the bed. Even with a blade to his throat, Roth struggled, and he almost tripped on his loose sleep pants as they pooled around his ankles. Oriel got him onto the bed and held his shoulders down as he straddled him. His Master tried to twist away, but Oriel pushed his face into the sheets.

“Fuck,” Roth managed to get out through the fabric as Oriel tightened his grip on his hair.

Oriel stroked himself with one hand to make his cock hard enough. “It doesn’t feel so good when someone else does it to you, huh? How do you like being held down and threatened with a knife, you fucking piece of shit? Did you think this was a game?”

He guided the head of his cock to Roth’s hole and rammed himself in.

Right away, it felt all wrong. He’d expected to feel resistance around the rim and for everything to be dry. Maybe it’d even hurt Oriel’s cock, although he wasn’t sure about that since he’d never forced anyone or gone in dry. Either way, Roth’s ass had already been stretched and oiled.

Also, his moans weren’t ones of pain. Had he riled up Oriel in the hopes of this?

“You’re a fucking bitch, you know that?” Oriel leaned down to brace his elbow on the bed before he grabbed Roth’s chin and pulled his head up. Roth let out a faint whimper as he felt the knife again, but he moved his hips like he was desperately trying to meet each thrust. “You’re a sadistic fuck, but you have no idea what I might do once I dump my load in you.”

Roth fisted the blankets as he moaned again. Dear Elira, he really was enjoying this. He must have taken good care of himself beforehand. Oriel knew he should pull back and hurt Roth in a different way by not giving him what he wanted. He should kill him. He still had the knife.

Or maybe he should just hatefuck this bastard.

Roth stiffened as the edge of the knife bit into his neck enough to make blood bead. The sensation seemed to be enough to make him claw at the bed.

“Fuck, yes!” he shouted.

He already sounded like was close to finishing. Oriel could feel himself nearing the end point too as he kept pounding while rage burned through him. He didn’t give a shit if the fucker came or not, but once he did, he’d use the knife and end this for good.

Roth swore again as he came and gripped the bed sheets so hard, his knuckles whitened. He clenched and stiffened his legs, and the tightness around Oriel’s cock drove him over the edge. For a moment, he forgot if the knife was pressed too hard against Roth’s throat or anything else as he filled his bowels with cum.

Roth clenched around him one last time as he gasped. Oriel jerked his hips as the last of the cum was milked from his cock.

Dear Elira, he had to kill him now. He couldn’t wait another second. But as the haze cleared from his brain and took some of the fury with it, he remained frozen. What had he just done? He’d never raped or hatefucked anyone before. He’d never even thought about such a thing back home.

Roth breathed into the bed sheets although he remained still as the knife stayed at his throat. “If you try to kill me now, which I don’t think you want, you’ll be in deep shit. I have lightning magic and can jolt your ass into next week. It tracks my target, so you couldn't dodge it either.”

“You think I won’t kill myself to escape your Father’s wrath?”

“I don’t think you want to die. I don’t really want to hurt you either-”