Page 41 of A Touch of Savagery

After a bit, Roth came out in sleep clothes and knelt by the cage with his damp hair loose. Oriel remained frozen under his blanket, unsure if he should get to his knees since Roth didn’t have the key. In the light of the lantern, he could see the fairy’s pupils had expanded.

“You have no idea how lucky you are.”

Lucky? Oriel almost laughed in his face at the unexpected comment. Fury also filled him. How lucky he was to lose everyone he cared about. While Roth had sat in his home, Oriel’s entire life had been ripped apart in one night, and the pieces had been stomped on in the days since.

“Darling pampered little Prince,” Roth whispered. “Come here.”

Oriel bit back the fifty things he’d like to tell Roth to do as he approached the door on his hands and knees.

“Growing up so pampered makes some weak.” Roth’s ears twitched. “I can tell you’re weak in some ways. You’re still beyond lucky.” He put his face close to the bars.

“Lucky?” Oriel snapped before he could stop himself.

“Oh, it speaks.” Roth’s tail flicked. “I bet you’ve never killed a man before. Tell me, did you kill anyone that night? Be honest.”

Oriel knew he’d fucked up. “No, Master.”

“Like I said. Weak.”

Something snapped in Oriel as he lunged to get his hands through the bars and managed to snag Roth’s shirt collar. He tried to pull away, but Oriel jerked him so his face was against the bars.

“How about if you open this cage, and I’ll show you who’s weak?” Oriel said through gritted teeth. “Men attacked me in the bath, so I didn’t get a chance to kill anyone. But what would you know? You’re weak for torturing a collared man that your Daddy handed over to you. You wouldn’t have the guts to face me in a fair fight.”

He was pretty sure he looked crazed, but Roth smiled. “I knew I didn’t beat the fight out of you. I could tell, and-”

“Damn right, you didn’t!”

“-people like you pack things down into anger until it's ready to burst. What would you do if I let you out?"

"I'd rape your ass and let you feel everything that's been done to me. Then I'd carve your fucking heart out if you've even got one. We’ll see who’s weak then, you cocksucking piece of shit!"

Oriel knew he should let go, shut his damn mouth, and start groveling. He was probably already headed for the room, or at least a terrible punishment from Roth. Every second he held onto his Master and spat threats that he ached to fulfill were probably earning him another lash, cut, bruise, or burn, but he couldn't make his fingers let go.

Pure rage burned through his veins, and he knew if it wasn't for the damn collar suppressing his magic, he would have already set Roth on fire and gleefully watched him burn. His Master’s eyes held his, and he licked his lips like this was some exciting game that was getting up his lust.

“You’re too scared because you’re fucking weak and only want to harm anyone you think is weaker,” said Oriel.

Roth suddenly lurched back. Oriel tried to hold on, but his fingers slipped, and Roth scooted back on his ass to escape his slave’s reach. Instead of threatening punishment, he gave a delighted smile as he stood. “That’s what I want. Show me your anger, traitor’s son.”

“My Father isn’t a fucking traitor, you piece of shit!” Oriel rattled the bars.

Roth took the key from his pocket and walked around to the side of the cage although he kept out of reach. It glinted as it dangled on the leather cord. Oriel’s chest heaved as he tensed. Whatever happened, he’d fight now even if he ended up in that room. His fists itched with the urge to hurt Roth and make him pay.

Roth’s tail swished faster as he leaned forward and dangled the keys above the bars so the metal clinked. His ears cocked at the sound.

“Here, kitty, kitty, kitty,” snarled Oriel. “Except the cat’s a damn tease and a bitch. You need to be put down.”

“Do you want to make me suffer?” Roth straightened up. "Do you want to punish me for what everyone's done to you, and for what I’ve done to you?"

"Yes, yes, and yes," Oriel spat, too far gone to have any chance of reeling himself back and cramming himself into the meek slave role.

No one had come in despite the yelling, so that meant no other guard had been posted outside the door in the meantime. If this little shit thought that he could let Oriel out and deal with him on his own, that’d be the last mistake he ever made.

Roth pulled a knife from his sleeve before he leaned forward again. He slipped off its leather sheaf, let it fall, and dropped the blade through the top with no warning. It landed with a soft thump on the blanket, and Oriel hardly thought before he snatched it.

“Come a little bit closer, shit sack,” he said. “I’ll cut off your precious ears.”

Roth smirked as he wiggled them. “I don’t think you will.” He let the key tink on the bars as though Oriel was a cat to be teased with a string. He resisted the urge to try and grab it since it would probably be snatched back.