Roth came in after his bath. He didn’t seem to give a shit about walking the hall in his sleep clothes and cloak and with a drying sheet wrapped around his head to hide his hair and ears. Oriel had changed into his sleep clothes after he returned in normal ones.
“This isn’t home, you know?” Oriel raised an eyebrow as Roth hung up his cloak.
Roth rolled his eyes as he slipped his tail from his pant leg. “Oooh, sleep clothes in the hall with a cloak too. How scandalous. It’s not like I strolled naked through the common room and shook my dick at everyone.” He removed his shirt and flung it on the bed.
"You're not a commoner."
"I'm not exactly a higher-up either right now."
“You’re a bad kitty.”
Roth smirked before he took the drying sheet from his head and ducked to rub at his hair. Oriel stood from the bed, and as soon as Roth flipped his hair back behind him, Oriel hooked an arm around his neck and pushed him into the wall by the door. Roth tried to twist away, but he stilled pretty fast when he felt the knife against his bare chest.
Oriel tightened his arm. “You seem to like prancing your ass around. Don’t act like that when someone wants a piece of it.”
“I wasn’t prancing-”
“Shut up, whore.”
Roth’s breathing picked up, and he twitched as the tip of the knife ran down his torso. “Please, don’t hurt me. I’ll do anything.”
Oriel slipped the knife down to the ties of his sleep pants. “Damn right, you will." The ties gave easily under the blade, and he yanked down the sleep pants. “Over to the bed, bad kitty.”
"What happened to doing anything?"
"I didn't mean that!"
Roth fought against him, but Oriel wrestled him over, shoved him down, and got on top of his wiggling body.
“With the way you walk around, you’re practically begging for it.” Oriel slipped the leather ties out from under the pillow where he’d hidden them and pinned Roth’s wrists together despite a snarl as he struggled. “I’ll teach your ass a lesson.”
“Please-please don’t hurt me.”
Roth sounded so desperate for a moment, Oriel almost paused, but he hadn’t said to stop or snapped. Oriel snatched the drying sheet from the edge of the bed, rolled up the corner, and shoved it in Roth’s mouth.
“Just lay there and take it like good slut,” Oriel said in a low voice since he didn’t want anyone to hear something suspicious and think a guest was actually being raped in their room. That was also the last thing Aspen needed to hear. “You want it anyway since you prance your ass around.”
Roth still struggled as Oriel got to work on oiling and stretching his ass. He mumbled hopeless pleas around the cloth, pulled at the ties, and even tried to scoot forward to get out from under him, but Oriel kept him down. Having him pinned and writhing made his cock throb with want.
Roth renewed his desperate little noises when Oriel pushed his tail out of the way and started working his cock in. He didn’t snap, and he let out a moan that sounded more like he was having the time of his life when Oriel grew a little rough.
As he thrust, he kept Roth pinned down like he wanted to fuck him into the bed. The convincing struggles and muffled pleas would have horrified him before, but they spurred him on as he ran the tip of the knife along Roth’s back. A faint, jagged scratch blossomed, and that was the only thing that made Roth be still. His breathing quickened, and he made a strange noise in the back of his throat.
Oriel pressed himself along the lithe body under his, further pinning it.
“Take it, you fucking whore.” He pressed the knife against Roth’s throat just hard enough to nick him. “You even squeal just like one.”
He kept the knife at Roth’s throat as he rammed himself in. Skin slapped against skin, the bed creaked, and he let out a growl before he bit Roth’s shoulder nearly hard enough to draw blood.
“Maybe I should invite my friends in to watch while I rape your tight little hole, and they can pass you around afterward to try it out.”
It was either the words or the slightly deeper cut above his collarbone. Roth groaned, stiffened, and shuddered as he came.
Oriel forced his face into the mattress. This was what he wanted: Roth clenching around his cock and coming completely undone beneath him. He pounded himself into Roth’s tight ass as he kept him down despite his jerking.