Page 66 of A Touch of Savagery

“Blaming yourself. It’s not your fault. Blame King Taven for being a despicable piece of shit. If he hadn't betrayed your family, you'd all be at home right now.”

“Still, I want you to stay with me, but I can’t leave him or let this go. I can’t walk away.”

“I’m not saying to dump him on the street.”

“I know, but if you’ll really stay with me…” Oriel flopped backward on their bed. “I want him to stay too. I need to watch over him, and he doesn’t have anyone else at all.”

“Bring him home later if you want, and if he’ll come with you. I’m not going to get in the way of you two because this started before me. But you’re both different people now, and he may not want to stay with you.”

“Yeah, but he hasn’t made an effort to go away either! He fought coming, and yeah, I threatened to grab him if he tries to go get alcohol, but he hasn’t honestly tried to leave us.”

“I know. Maybe he needs more time. I mean, this isn’t something that can simply heal, but it’s too soon as well. He’s lost, he’s hurt, and he probably has no idea how to feel about anything or what to do. Maybe he’ll continue to stay.”

Oriel dared to voice something. “You said you’d stay.”

“I will, and nobody will hurt you again without getting through me.” Roth turned to look him in the eye and took his hand. “I didn’t say that just because my cock was in your mouth.”

“But what if things change later, and he decides he wants to be with me? I’m positive it won’t happen, but in the tiny sliver of a chance that it does, I don’t know what to do because I’m not leaving you either. It’s strange if he sticks around, but you’re there too.”

Roth sighed. “Oriel, you’re making this so complicated in your head, aren’t you?”


“If you’re willing to share, we can do that.”

Oriel stared at him. He’d never thought he’d feel a certain way about two people, so he’d never imagined being with more than one person. He had nothing against a polyamorous relationship, but he didn’t see how this would work out for Roth. “Your type is pretty possessive unless it’s a consort for children, and Aspen’s not an abundant male.”

“Most of my type are possessive and aren't into poly, but that doesn’t mean I’m obligated to be like that,” said Roth. “Yes, I do want you to be mine, but I know how important he is. That’s why I said I’m not getting in the way of you two. I want you to be happy, and I can be possessive of you both. We can figure out the rest as we go.”

Oriel squeezed his hand. “All right. That makes me feel better, but honestly, I don’t think that’s happening.”

Another worry nagged him. He’d said he’d never let Aspen go. He'd meant it, but at the same time that was also rather foolish.

“I might have to let him go off on his own anyway. I can’t drag him around with me forever if he hates me and doesn’t want to stay. Then he’ll be like a hostage, and I’ll be even shittier.” He pulled his hand away to cover his face. “I haven’t let go for two years, but maybe I’ll have to later.”

Roth lay beside him and wrapped an arm around him. Oriel turned to him to sink into his embrace. At least with Roth, he could justbe,and it wasn't so complicated.

He went downstairs later to chat with other travelers in the dim common room. Roth left to find a tavern. They’d gotten far enough away that they felt they’d be safe as long as they didn’t use real names or stick around for too long.

Beyond news of the war, nothing about them seemed to have reached here. Lord Delwin had surely been found rotting under Roth’s bed by now, and men were probably tearing the city apart for the son. He could picture them going through local areas and asking about Roth. The net would grow wider.

Other lords would get wind of this and possibly send out searchers to help. Oriel planned for them to be gone.

As for West Bay, Oriel’s heart sank as he heard the news. With the seal, plenty of towns and cities had fallen to heel with King Taven lying about the surrender, but a few places had been attacked when they refused to believe it. Oriel had assumed everyone would kneel to King Taven.

Once the story of the supposed treachery got back to them, they’d be furious. But going against the firmly seated ruler was treason, and whoever won had the manpower to deal with people like that. It also wouldn’t bring back the last King.

In the long run, there wasn’t much to be done. Wars like this were between rulers and their men. The commoners just suffered the results unless the majority rose up which wasn't always too likely in most cases.

But some had tried to fight back against the army groups that had been sent around to make sure the country was under King Taven’s command. Loyalty like that meant a lot, although Oriel couldn't quite see why so many had risked themselves.

He wasn't around to lead anyone, and King Leneer was dead.

Nobody mentioned Oriel specifically, so maybe they hadn’t gotten news here that he’d been sold into slavery or didn't care. Either way, it stiffened his resolve to get his Kingdom back. Queen Asara just had to agree.

If she didn’t, he’d try to get someone else to support him.

They’d leave tomorrow morning to continue, but Oriel had something in mind for tonight.