Page 83 of Fear the Reapers

“That night in the parking lot. You took on who knows how many guys for me. A man who lied to you, cut off all contact and then treated you like shit.”

“When you put it that way, now I’m regretting saving your ass.”

His laugh was so loud and sharp that it caught the attention of the people at the table near us.

“Don’t worry I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you.”

“You will huh?”


“What about—”

“The other men vying for your attention?”

“Yes, them.”

“They won’t be a problem.”

“As in, you’re going to kill them?”


“Maim them?”

“Maybe.” The glint in his eye was the only sign he was teasing.

“Keep it above the belt.”

“It’s not like I could hurt Dimitri any more than he’s already done with the barbell ladder he pierced his cook with.”

“I’m rather fond of that ladder.”

“Hope you don’t expect that from all of us?”

“You wouldn’t hear me complain,” I teased. He made a face. “Seriously though. The differences between you guys make it difficult to choose.”

“We don’t expect you to.”

“That’s not fair.”

“Life isn’t fair, and it’s not supposed to be. With the risks we all take, we probably won’t live to be a hundred. I’d rather not miss out on what we could have just because I get a third of your time.”

I opened my mouth to respond, but he held up his hand.

“Hear me out. My dad was a cop and good at his jobs, but that didn’t stop him from getting killed by some kid who was robbing a convenience store,” he sighed. “There was only fifty bucks in the cash register ‘cause the clerk had just emptied some of it into the night safe.”

“I’m sorry. You never talk about your family.”

“We can talk more about them later. What I have to say is important.”


“Having all of us together serves a purpose. Safety in numbers and almost a guarantee that you won’t be left alone if something happened to one of us.”

“You like sharing?”

“Not exactly, but we’re working through it. Growing pains, if you will.”