Page 53 of Absent Mercy

“It’s going to be difficult,”Francesca admitted, “but I hope that if she did any administration for theproject, Sydney Locksen might be able to help us.”

“Francesca,” Ambersaid, “I just want to say thank you. You saved my life back there.”

“It’s nothing,”Francesca said.

But it wasn’t. Itmeant a lot to Amber. She knew now just how close she’d been to dying. She knewthat she’d been pretty harsh on the detective throughout this investigation. Shehad to show her appreciation now.

“I need to go getthat statement,” Francesca said. She turned to leave.

Simon looked over atAmber.

“Are you ready togo?” Simon asked. “I got us booked on a flight back to DC.”

Amber nodded. Apart of her would be glad to get back to DC after a case like this. She got up.The doctor had checked her over, and she didn’t want to wait any longer.

But she also knewthat she owed Francesca, and Simon, one other thing.

“You should goafter her,” she said.

“What?” Simon replied.

“It’s obvious thatyou like her, and she likes you,” Amber said. “Go after her. I need to trackthe doctor down and get her to release me. It shouldn’t take long. Make themost of it.”

“I…” Simon lookedat her, then glanced after Francesca. “I’ll meet you in a few minutes.”

He set off afterher.

Amber went off tofind the doctor. It didn’t take her long, but it was still long enough thatwhen she got back, she saw Francesca and Simon talking. Were they just afraction closer to one another than they should have been? Amber saw Simon’shand on Francesca’s arm, and she felt a twinge of what could only be jealousy.

Except that itcouldn’t be jealousy, because Amber didn’t get to be jealous when it came toSimon. He was just her partner, nothing else. That was a big part of why she’dtried to push the two together. It made things simpler.

As she approached,the two of them looked up at her, and Simon removed his hand from Francesca’sarm. Amber couldn’t help but wonder what she had missed.

“Well, anyway,”Simon said.

“Maybe look me upif you’re ever back in town,” Francesca suggested.

“Or if you’re everin DC,” Simon replied.

“Sure. Well, Ishould go take that statement from Sydney Locksen,” Francesca said. She leftthe room, heading down the corridor.

“Sorry, was Iinterrupting something?” Amber asked.

Simon shook hishead. “No. Francesca was mostly just telling me how grateful she is that wewere both here. We need to get going anyway. Are you ready to go?”

Was Amber ready togo back to DC, back to her life?



This time, Amberand Joseph were in a small Cantonese restaurant that was presumably anotherrecommendation from theWashington News’restaurant critic.

Joseph satopposite her, looking as gorgeous as ever, with his dark hair perfectly styledand his suit impeccably tailored. His eyes sparkled as he smiled at her overthe table.

Amber couldn’thelp but feel a little self-conscious about her appearance. She had thrown onsome jeans and a shirt, not expecting to be going out to dinner, while Josephlooked like he had just stepped out of a fashion magazine.

It wasn’t the onlything about all of this that felt uncomfortable. Joseph was looking across ather with obvious worry. It took Amber a moment or two to realize that he waslooking at the flowering bruises around her throat, where Steven Boon had triedto strangle her.