Page 54 of Absent Mercy

“Are you okay?”Joseph asked, his voice filled with concern.

Amber nodded. “Itlooks worse than it is. The doctor said it’ll heal in a couple of weeks.”

Joseph reachedacross the table and took her hand in his. “I’m sorry that happened to you. Youshouldn’t have had to go through that.”

“It’s my job,”Amber pointed out. “And it meant that we caught a killer.”

“Tell me whathappened,” Joseph suggested.

Amber managed asmile. “Are you planning another story about me stopping a killer?”

“Maybe,” Josephsaid. “Just tell me. How did that happen to you? What happened over in…Westford, was it?”

Amber nodded andstarted to tell him about it. As she recounted the events of the investigation,Amber found herself getting lost in the story, reliving the adrenaline rush ofthe chase and the satisfaction of finally capturing Boon. Joseph listenedintently, his eyes never leaving her face.

When Amberfinished her story, she looked up to see him studying her with a seriousexpression.

“I’m glad you’reokay,” he said softly. “But I worry about you, Amber. You put yourself in so muchdanger all the time. I don’t know how you do it.”

Amber felt some ofher sense of satisfaction fade at those words. It was the same thing that they’dtalked about on the phone. Amber had hoped that he’d gotten past this.

Amber shrugged. “It’swhat I do. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.”

“Really? Because I’veseen what you’re like when there’s a puzzle in front of you. I’ve seen how muchsatisfaction you get from that.”

Amber shook herhead. “Please, Joseph, I don’t want to have this argument again.”

Joseph leaned backin his chair, his eyes never leaving hers. “It’s not an argument, Amber. It’s aconversation we need to have. I’m worried about you. I’m worried that one day,something terrible is going to happen, and I’ll never see you again.”

Amber felt a pangof guilt. She knew that Joseph cared about her, but she couldn’t just give upwhat she loved doing. Solving puzzles and catching killers in the process waswhat made her feel alive.

“I’m sorry,” shesaid quietly. “But I can’t just give up what I do. It’s a part of who I am.”

“And what aboutthe marks on your neck, Amber?” Joseph said. “You told me that you took downSteven Boon, but how close did it come to going wrong?”

Amber was back inthe R&D facility in her memory then, with Steven Boon’s hands closingaround her throat. She remembered the pressure and the fear. She had to pushthose feelings aside.

“We stopped him.My partners had my back.”

“And if they’dbeen a little slower getting to you?” Joseph demanded.

“But they weren’t.”

“And next time?”Joseph demanded. “Amber, this has to stop.”

Amber’s heartskipped a beat at his words. Was Joseph saying what she thought he was saying?

“What are yousaying?” Amber asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

“I’m saying that Icare about you, Amber,” Joseph said, his voice low and intense. “More than I’veever cared about anyone. And I can’t keep watching you put yourself in harm’sway like this. Please, just take a job that’s safe. Go back into puzzles, or… Idon’t think I can be with you.”

“I can’t, Joseph,”Amber said. She stood up. Suddenly, she didn’t feel like eating. “And if youreally cared about me, you wouldn’t ask me. I make a difference in the FBI. Isave lives. Without me, a woman would be dead right now. Asking me to stop…”

Amber couldn’tkeep talking, couldn’t be there while Joseph was demanding that she give up herwork to be safe, to be with him.

“I’m sorry, I can’tdo this right now,” Amber said. “I need… I’m not sure what I need.”

But she didn’tneed to be there. She needed space and time to think. Turning on her heel,Amber all but ran for the exit to the restaurant and the crisp air outside.