Maybe now I was beginning to wake up.

I wiped off my greasy fingers on my napkin just as Lucky ambled into the room, his black nose tipped upward as he sniffed the air. My chicken would soon be in danger, so I typed fast.

Maybe I don’t like being left hanging.

Did I do that? I said goodbye.

You know you did. I think you like teasing me.

Is that what I’m doing?

I snatched my chicken bucket a moment before Lucky was about to take a swan dive into it, though there was no way in hell he’d fit his considerable bulk in there. But he was happy to make the attempt.

“No,” I said firmly at Lucky’s pronounced scowl before I took another bite of my drumstick. I’d better enjoy it because my cat was most likely plotting my demise.

Holding my bucket between my legs while Lucky eyed me with disdain, I typed quickly.

You tell me.

Can I see more pictures of Lucky?

What the hell? Maybe she really was only interested in my cat, the little bugger. I lifted my bucket as Lucky flung himself at my lap, missed, and landed on my bare foot, digging in his murder mittens until I howled.

I howled manfully, of course.

He’s going to be in timeout soon.

As soon as I sent the message, I took a picture of Lucky clambering back on the coffee table to eye my dinner plate.

The plate I hadn’t bothered using because I’d eaten the chicken straight from the bucket like a wild animal with no manners.

Shrugging, I sent over the photo. Only after I hit send did I notice my name badge sitting in plain view next to the remote.

Dr. Clint Hauser, DVM

Well, shit. Too late now.

She didn’t reply right away, giving me time to dump the rest of the chicken after I took pity on Lucky. He got a couple of tiny pieces of white meat, then he stationed himself on the back of the couch to clean his face as if he’d had a five-course meal. I put on my flannel pajama bottoms and a T-shirt before I heard the ding from a new message.

I returned to my recliner and frowned as I read her response.

Is the badge real?


Or did you get that off the internet like some tin star? Use it to impress the ladies?

Oh, sure. Plenty of vet badges for sale. Check eBay. Tons.

I typed quickly to try to stem my annoyance.

Speaking of impressing, did it work?

She didn’t answer for long enough that I considered going to take a shower instead of sitting there, staring at the screen. Which I should have done before putting on my pajamas but whatever. Then she surprised the hell out of me.

Can we move this to the phone? I can call you.
