It had almost been a week since she’d signed off without a word other than good night. I was rather ashamed to admit—even in my own head—that I’d kept a far closer watch on the classifieds section than I normally did, including when I wasn’t even on volunteer duty.

Part of the reason I was so sleep-deprived. I’d taken to lingering around the site like a bad habit in the middle of the night when I should’ve been sleeping. But my hyper-focus still hadn’t made her reappear.

Not only that, she’d taken down her post the next day. As if it mattered. I could only guess how many replies she’d received. What number was I again? Number two-twenty-seven. She’d probably set up half a dozen “playdates” by now with her gold DSH, assuming that wasn’t just a ruse to get some action.

Even if I couldn’t begin to imagine why she’d pull such shenanigans on a charity website. There were all kinds in this world.

Andthiskind had apparently yanked my chain. Or something.

The alert probably had nothing to do with her. What were the odds she’d return to the scene of the crime? Surely she wouldn’t pull the same crap again, even if her intentions had been pure—and sorely misguided.

Besides, she knew my address. Why not pay me a visit if she was so desperate for a playdate? She’d seen my cat. And my abs.

Which had been intentional.

Me, the guy who was used to dissuading women from pursuing me since they all seemed to want the same thing—to date a vet who had money and/or to get me in their bed, in that order—had actually shown off his body.

I was clearly in need of a playdate of my own. Without the presence of Lucky, thanks but no thanks.

I did a quick server check, saw a traffic uptick as reported, and then took a deep breath laced with disappointment as I realized the bump was relatively tiny. No one was seeking pussy tonight. Or if they were, they weren’t getting the amount of responses they had last weekend.


I scrolled down the classifieds just in case, my heart rate slowing down with every banal ad that belonged there. Plenty of ads for dog walking and boarding and mobile grooming salons to get your pet ready for winter pictures.

No pussy-seeking.

Then my own picture—the one I’d sent her last weekend—caught my eye.

Desperately Seeking Lucky.

If you’re the owner of this cat, inbox me. I’m ready to take you up on your offer.



I frowned evenas my sluggish heart rate shot into the danger zone.Myoffer? Had I made her an offer?

And if I hadn’t, was I going to?

As I clicked over to send her a message, I decided the answer was a vigorousyes.With whatever that entailed.

I hadn’t even seen her. Didn’t know her name. Didn’t know if she was asheor if her cat had two heads. And I was ready to cyber put out, sight unseen.

What was life without risk? Boring as hell, that’s what.


About time you show yourself.

I grabbed another piece of chicken while I waited for her response. She took her sweet-ass time.


I haven’t shown myself yet. Did you miss me?

The fact that I had should’ve disturbed me. I wasn’t a guy who went without female companionship for long periods of time—or at least I didn’t used to. But a couple of months ago, I’d taken a break. Stopped dating, stopped looking, stopped even considering fitting someone into my life. I’d just retreated into myself and my work. Sort of my own winter hibernation, though it had started in early fall.