“Oh, now it’s all my fault. Whatever. I need to run out anyway. We’re out of condoms.”

I was so busy smiling over the fact that she could now run down to the convenience store without thinking twice—at least most of the time—that I almost skipped over the word condoms.

Which showed how much I adored this woman.

“Uh-uh. We don’t need those.”

“We don’t?”


We’d kept using them to be super careful since Kensington Square wasn’t far from Crescent Cove, the source of far too much local pregnancy lore, and neither of us had been looking to have any babies other than those of the feline variety.

We were currently full up on cats too.

But now that our first home and marriage were hopefully a thing, I was starting to get itchy about the whole family deal. I didn’t want to rush her. But maybe we could put it on the table.

“Have to rectify my mistake from last year.”

“What mistake?”

“When you so considerately offered me bareback sex the first night we met in person, but I said no because I was too tired to be more than a half-a-pump chump.”

Her giggle made me grin so widely that I probably looked like a moronic, lovesick idiot.

Because I was.


“Really. Might as well take all the steps at once, right? I mean, if you’re okay with it.”

“I’m still on the Pill.”

“Good enough.” For now. Maybe soon she could ditch that, too.

“Are you feeling okay?”

“Other than suffering from severe dick constriction, I’m just fine. Why?”

“Well, you’re one of seven kids.”


“I don’t know, what if you repeat familial patterns with sperm counts or something?”

I laughed. “I don’t think it works that way, honey. I’m going to get dressed and get your milkshake now. See you in a bit.”

My hands were shaking as I dressed. As I did up my buttons on my dress shirt. As I jerked up the zipper on my jeans. Hell, even as I dragged a comb through my wet hair. I wasn’t nervous about the step I was taking.

I just couldn’t believe we were here. Honestly, I was still shocked I’d managed to wait until now. I’d debated with doing it on her birthday but another couple weeks was more than I could stand.

So why not try to plant a baby in her too to celebrate? Always gotta be an overachiever, don’t you?

I wasn’t in a big hurry on the baby planting—and the Pill would make it much more of a challenge—but whatever happened, happened. I just wanted to get our lives started. New house on the lake with an entire cat-dedicated play area—though we’d lived together for the entire past year, despite keeping two residences because apparently we liked to waste money—lots of condomless sex, and hopefully tonight we’d get engaged.

Our three cats were all healthy and mostly sweet and non-destructive except for when Lucky showed Charise how to destroy the maximum amount of toilet paper. She couldn’t quite manage to balance enough to do it but she kept trying.

I’d even gotten Kitty’s father’s permission to ask for her hand. He’d said yes so fast that I had no doubt he thought I was good for his daughter.