His daughter wasverygood for me.

I still hadn’t managed to wheedle her and Princess off Grant’s client list though. In truth, all three of our cats were on Grant’s list now. I didn’t want to miss something vital just in case.

I swung into the McDonald’s drive-thru just as my buddy Dex called. I clicked to accept the call on the in-dash screen.

“Hey, man, can you come out tomorrow night with me and Jimmy? We’re doing a bar crawl to end all bar crawls. Jimmy was just promoted to full-time on the force in the Cove.”

“Oh, wow, good for him. That’s awesome. Pass along my congratulations but I can’t make it tomorrow. Gonna be holed up.”

“Oh, jeez, not again. You are gonna get dick rot, dude. You can’t have that much sex and not suffer physically. Also, your friends are starting to hate you.”

“You really should hate me. I’m asking her to marry me tonight.”

“Oh, fuck, we were taking bets on when that would happen after you bought your lakeside love shack. Congratulations, man. And if I can’t make the festivities, don’t take it personally. Bob doesn’t like weddings.”

“He doesn’t, does he? Well, since he’s not your emotional support pet, you can leave him home. She hasn’t said yes, by the way.”

“Leave Bob home? I won’t tell him you said that. He’d be crushed his uncle Clint, the very one who brought us together, is now trying to shut him out. At least we got him neutered.” Hetsked. “No hope for you, my man.”

I rolled my eyes and told Dex to hold while I placed and picked up my order—two large chocolate milkshakes, two large fries, and two Big Macs.

My stomach growled. Food to get engaged with.

“Listen, man, congratulations. You’re setting quite the example for me and Jimmy, though neither of us will pay any attention because we’re both strapping, dangerously good-looking men who can’t be tied down by the love of one woman.”

“Just you wait and see.”

“I don’t even like cats. Well, Bob doesn’t like cats. I love everyone and everything. Sometimes a little too much.”

Especially those of the female variety. Dex’s reputation definitely preceded him there.

“Bob got along fine with cats when we brought him in. What are you doing to him over there in that den of iniquity?”

“He’s a happy dog, and that’s all you need to know. Good luck, man. I’m thrilled for you. I really am.”

“Thanks. Hopefully there will be something to be happy about, since I haven’t asked yet.”

“Aww, he’s nervous.”

“Kinda goes with the territory.”

“Just means you’re putting it all on the line. That’s a good thing.”

“Yeah. Have fun with Jimmy. Later.” I clicked off and stole a fry then decided I’d wait to eat after I was an engaged man—or hopelessly drowning my sorrows in salt and beef.

I parked the car at the curb near her building and grabbed the shakes and bag of food to rush up to her apartment. I had energy to burn, mostly of the anxious variety. I didn’t think she’d say no. But she might just freak out.

Freaking out was always on the table. Especially once she saw the ring.

I took the stairs two at a time then juggled cups and bags to get the damn door open. I’d made it a couple steps into the dim apartment before I realized the nearly empty living room—save for stacks of boxes—was lit only by the line of flickering candles on the counter.

What happened to cleaning? How was she doing it, by penlight?

Then I imagined her crawling around wearing next to nothing and my jeans situation quickly became uncomfortable again.

I set down our meal on the coffee table, one of the few remaining pieces of furniture before the movers came. “Kitty?”

She walked down the hall as my eyes adjusted to the near dark. She was wearing a slinky red dress that ended mid-shapely thigh—with her editing heels, yet her computer was nowhere in sight.