Page 49 of Unbroken

“Speaking of that…I was serious the other day about funding your bakery.”

“Let’s just put that on the back burner and see how everything shakes out.” She pulls a box out of her bag and hands it to me. “Blackberry piroshky.”

I open in and inhale the warm fruity scent. “You are a genius, and the world needs to know it.”

“And they will. But I don’t want money to complicate our bond.”

“We have been best friends since we were seven, and nothing will ever come between us.”

“Little Anya Sokolov tried in fourth grade when she kept offering to share her hot Cheetos. It was a shameful tactic to buy your friendship, and quite frankly, I’m still mad about it.”

“If I can’t be swayed by the most delicious snack in the history of all snacks, a little bakery shouldn’t be a big deal.”

“But you know what a big deal is?” She looks over her shoulders and studies Fedor. “You aren’t listening, are you?”

“My ears are plugged. This is a cone of silence.”

“You mean secrets,” Stasia replies.

“Yeah, that.”

She wags her finger in his direction. “Don’t run to your friend and tell him how excited I am about our date.” Pushing back her hair, she slides her hand on her hip. “I’m playing it cool until he falls in love.”

“If you bring me cookies, it’s guaranteed.”

She grabs the box of piroshkis and hands them over. “A down payment.”

“Those were mine.”

“Now they are his.” She smiles and then claps her hands. “Luka is taking me out on a date tonight.”

“Luka from Bratva Tinder?”


I take her hand and drag her into my bedroom. “Tell me everything.”

“The man has been coming into the bakery for the last several days and buying everything from my test batches.”

“That’s so cute.”

“It’s more than cute…it’s chivalrous…and sweet…and kinda sexy. He makes a big show of trying a sample in front of everyone and then going on and on about how good it is.” She twirls in a circle and then clasps her hands together. “After he makes everyone try the treat, he tells Mrs. Titov how lucky she is to have me.”

“It just keeps getting better.” I sway back and forth. “He’s speaking your love language.”

“It gives me hope, Lina. That there are still good men in the world.” She does another twirl and then stops. “Or criminals with good hearts and smiles can make my little heart pitter patter.” She throws up her hands. “You know what I mean.”

“I do.”

“Wait a minute…you’re giving me a fake smile…what’s going on?”

I lift the corners of my mouth higher. “No, I’m not.”

“Oh yes, you are.” She looks over her shoulder. “What aren’t you telling me? Have you heard gossip about Luka, or is Yuri a horrible husband?”


Crossing her arms, she waits. “I can stand here all day, so spill.”