Page 50 of Unbroken

“It’s just that—”

“You’re scaring me.”

“Yuri came home late last night, and I barely recognized him when he walked into the bedroom. It was like he was a different person…haunted and something I can’t quite name. This life costs him.” I look out the small window and see the blossoms waving gently in the breeze. “I know the idea of dating a Bratva baddy is sexy, but there is another side to it.”

“I would rather deal with someone who is honest about their nature than a person who hides their sins. I’m not blind to what the Bratva does and believe they are no better or worse than the pharmaceutical companies that raise their rates on insulin nine hundred percent. How many people did they kill when they made a life-saving drug unaffordable. Or the consumer goods company that knowingly put asbestos in their talcum powder. Or that huge investment firm, Blackrock, the biggest landlord in the US. They have priced people out of owning a home. Criminals are everywhere. And don’t get me started on the pastors and priests that are sexual predators. They may be the most heinous.”

“I’m not talking about how the men spend their days…but what it costs them.” She takes my hands and I sigh. “I’m falling in love with my husband and don’t want to lose him to the dark place his work takes him.”

“Then drag him back.” She smiles. “Every single time. No one is more tenacious than you when your mind is set on something. You kept your Mama in the light, so do the same with Yuri.”

“I hope that I can.” I hug her tightly. “I’m excited for your date and love this new development.”

“Speaking of developments, what’s the latest on the Russki suitors?”

“According to my husband, they are gambling their fortunes away at Encore.”

“I wonder how long they plan on doing that?”

“Who knows. Maybe they don’t want to bother going through the hassle of trying to separate me from the inheritance.”

“Has anyone got in contact other than Grandmother Tarasov?”

“Nope.” I take her hand, walk into the living room, and see Fedor signing for something. “What’s that?”

“FedEx delivery,” he responds as he hands me an envelope.

“Good thing we were here.” I take it and scan the address. “Russia.”

“Open it,” Stasia says, crowding me. “Maybe there’s a check for a billion dollars.”

“Because that’s how these things work.” Fedor returns to his chair, and I wonder if anything ruffles his feathers.

“Quit talking and start ripping.”

I do as she asks because no one is more impatient with a present, box, or letter. I rip the strip off and pull out a thick stack of papers with a handwritten note attached. “Oh my.”

“Is that the will?”

Nodding, I read the letter. “Grandmother wants to meet in person after I’ve submitted a DNA sample.”

“Guess she doesn’t want to waste time if you don’t end up being the real deal.”

“What if I’m not?” An uncomfortable laugh erupts. “Perhaps Mama left Moscow because someone discovered she cheated on her husband.”

Stasia takes the note and scans it. “You need to give the Turkish soap operas a break. You’ve been watching too many of them.”

“That’s not possible since the stars are gorgeous with a capital G.”

“I won’t disagree.” Tapping the piece of paper against her mouth, she smiles. “Yuri kinda looks like your favorite, Can Yaman. He’s a less pretty version of the heartthrob.”

“You’re right.” I press the papers against my chest. “I married my crush.”

“And all it took was a threat against your life to make it happen,” she replies, handing me back the note.

“To make what happen,” Yuri asks as he strolls into the living room.

“I didn’t hear you come in.”