“Did he hurt you?” I can see she’s really thinking my question through until she shakes her head slowly.
“Where did he touch you? Did his dick touch you?”
She shakes her head again. “Just his hand,” she whispers almost inaudibly.
“It’s notjustanything, Theodora,” I whisper back. I turn to look over my shoulder to face Dax and Puck, who have the prick held up against the wall.
“W-what you expect, man? There are no rules here. Of course I wanted some of that.”
I raise my brows at the balls of this guy to not only call memanbut assume that it’s okay to fucking talk to me in the first place, especially about raping women.
“Yeah,man? Well, I want some of you.”
His eyebrows furrow as he replays what I said.
I reach behind my blazer and pull the gun from my holster, holding it up directly in front of his head.
“There’s nothing sweeter than blood,” I taunt, as I pull the trigger and the bullet disappears right through his skull. Theo flinches behind me and blood splatters all over us and the walls, coating us in crimson paint.
Everyone’s silent for several seconds before a shout interrupts the peace that’s haunting us all.
“Shower time.”
I tense, staring around at all of us, no one showing any sign of moving, almost as still as the dead man at our feet. There’s no way in hell I’m having Theo shower with them all now, even with Puck watching over her. I grab her hand and lead her towards the open doorway to her cell.
“Theo,” a small voice says, breaking our bubble of silence, and Theo halts and we both turn to the voice. Puck looks at her with an overwhelming sadness, drops of blood coating his face all over.
“I’m sorry,” he says.
Theo gives him a small smile, a peace offering, an act of forgiveness.
“It wasn’t your fault,” she says before turning on her heel, gripping tighter onto my hand and letting me lead her away.
King’s gripon my hand is tight, but I squeeze his right back, in fear of him letting me go, in fear of being the prey for all of these predators again. I have no idea what I was expecting, being surrounded by men who’ve been locked up from the outside world, but I should’ve expected it eventually. I’d grown accustomed to Puck’s protection and the denial that although he sent me here, King wouldn’t actually let me get hurt.
How naive I’ve become in the span of three days.
Puck’s been my hero, my protector, but could I really have expected him to be there for me every second of every day? King hasn’t really given me any indication that I’ll be safe, but I still thought I would be.
But neither of them was there and I can’t really blame them for it. But where was Puck in the first place? And he came back with King and Dax… Why were they all together? Through the trauma, I think about Puck. Wasn’t his nose bleeding? What happened?
I look down at the hand that’s casing mine, his skin hidden beneath black tattoos, and his fingers are long, meeting each other as they wrap around my small hand. But on top of the ink and muscle, his knuckles are cracked and bloody. What happened between them?
My thoughts continue to drift off at a thousand miles an hour when I realise my legs are still carrying me forward, following my enemy. Is he still that? My enemy?
The noise of the prison is gone, replaced by my quick breaths at trying to keep up with King, being practically dragged through dark corridors. We stop at a door and King takes out a key from his pocket, never letting go of my hand.
He unlocks the abandoned door at the dead end of the corridor and forces it open, pulling me inside behind him.
King lets go of my hand as he turns to lock the door we just came through, but I’m stuck in a trance, mesmerised by the bright sunlight soaking through the large floor-to-ceiling window on the opposite wall.
My feet carry me over to it of their own accord and I place my palms flat against the cool glass, scanning the view, taking in the sight of the forested area in front of me, thick tree trunks and bright green leaves, a blue sky completing the postcard picture.
I rest my forehead in between my palms and a tear slips down my cheek.