Page 26 of Prisoner

“Fuck off, he isn’t!” Puck says through his laughter.

“No, I’m not fucking in love with her, but I swear if you touch her again, I will kill you, Puck.”

After composing himself, Puck tucks his smile away and turns to face me head-on.

“Calm down, bro, nothing’s happening with me and T. Like I’d get caught between whatever fucking game you’ve got going on.”

T? So she’s got a fucking nickname now.

“What was the shower situation yesterday then?” I respond, my blood starting to reheat at the thought of Puck seeing her naked body.

“It was a bit of a laugh. She saw my dick, so she repaid the favour,” he says calmly, shrugging his shoulders.

“She saw your dick?” I shout, ready to cut his dick off.

“Look, I know we can’t all be as big as me, but she’ll get over it.” He winks.

He fucking winks.

I start towards him before he advances on me and pushes me up against the wall, his arm against my throat.

“King. You know I don’t give a shit about other women. I had Bonnie. So fucking get over yourself. I’m looking out for her. Protecting her. Likeyouasked me to do. So put the green monster away and pull yourself together.”

He lets go of me and I look down to fix my collar and tie. The mention of Bonnie clouds my vision and thoughts of my little sister haunt my conscience.

“I love Bonnie, King. I’ll only ever love Bonnie like that and you’ve spent enough time with me in and out of this shit hole to know that.”

I nod, knowing he’s telling the truth. The pain that follows both of us from Bonnie’s name and our time together in this prison lingers in the air and I clear my throat.

“Sorry, man.” He nods and pats me on the back.

“Get me a fucking towel, would ya.” He chuckles, gesturing to his bloody nose.

* * *

The three ofus leave the interrogation room and head back towards the cells, and the noise grows from silence to murmurs to full conversations as we enter the main cell block. The inmates are walking around, entering and leaving each other’s cells, and a slice of dread hits me like a ton of bricks as my eyes scan up to the first floor and notice Theo’s cell wide-open.

“Fuck.” I start to run, Dax and Puck right on my tail. I got Puck out of his cell to interrogate him before the gates opened so he could be back for Theo when they did, but I must’ve lost track of time.

Anger makes its way up to the surface at the possibility that something has happened to Theo, left unprotected in a prison full of men, all because of me.

As we climb the stairs, I jump over the top railing and my feet land firmly in front of Theo’s cell. I find her instantly and her eyes lock with mine, panic and fear glistening in her blue orbs, tears falling slowly and silently.

Her jumpsuit is zipped open down to her knees, like it was for me last night, except this time, the hand of some sleazy criminal cups her pussy whilst restraining her, his lips latched onto her neck.

I barge straight in, not wasting any time, and grab the back of his jumpsuit, ripping him off of Theo and slamming him against the wall.

His jumpsuit, also undone, sags against his thin frame, his limp dick flopping at the sight of me. He starts to protest when he realises who’s interrupted him and the sweet smell of fear emanates from him.

Dax holds him up against the wall, repeatedly swinging his fist into the criminal whilst Puck assists in holding him up for Dax to take more blows. I turn to Theo, who is frozen in place, watching the scene unfold. I rake my eyes down her body, looking for any bruises or harm that could’ve come to her.

Approaching her slowly, her eyes find mine again and the fear has now disappeared and is replaced with something else. I pull the zipper of her jumpsuit all the way up, covering her modesty, and cup her face in my hands, wiping her remaining tears with my thumbs.

She grabs a fistful of the jumpsuit in her hands and wipes where his mouth was on her neck moments ago. I pull her hands away and kiss her in the exact same spot, gently licking at her skin to replace the feel of the sleazebag and leaving her with only traces of me.

I’ll have to do the same for her pussy later.

Bringing my head back up, level with hers, I stare intently into her eyes, hers completely void of tears now.