Page 9 of Hex

He smiled at her. He wasn’t handsome, but he was pleasant looking. And he had a nice smile. He held out a hand to her.

Why not?

She put a hand in his. They danced together, swinging to the song. She really wanted to feel a spark. Something. Anything.

He pulled her closer and she let herself enjoy the song. Sadly, the sparks were missing.

“You’re so sexy,” the man drawled. “Such a tiny, little package.” His hand slid around her hip.

Nope, no tingles.

The hand moved lower, reaching the hem of her dress.

Ah, no. She grabbed his wrist and shook her head.

“Come on, cutie,” he cajoled.

She rolled her eyes. “No.”

“We’ll have fun.”

A second later, the man was wrenched away from her.

Jet blinked. The crowd of dancers swirled around her.

A bigger, hotter body pressed behind hers. Her heart leaped into her throat. An arm snaked around her middle, leaving a trail of sensation.

Everything in her flared to life. The hard body engulfed her and smelled so good. She felt the brush of lips at her ear.

“Happy birthday, pixie.”

* * *

She wasthe perfect little handful.

Cain pulled Jet close, moving with her to the music. He’d had dance training. It was just another tool for his job.

But there was nothing work-related about the way he and Jet moved together.

Her white dress was short and showed every sweet curve of her body.Fuck. The asshole who’d touched her was lucky Cain hadn’t punched him.

“What are you doing here?”

He barely heard her over the music. Leaning down so his mouth was close to the side of her jaw, he felt her shiver. “Had to wish you happy birthday. Who did you wear this dress for, pixie?”

She turned her head a little. “Myself.”

He made a humming noise. She was so damn small. He stroked a hand up her thigh. She shifted, her body rubbing against him.

His hardening cock was about to jab her in the back. “I think you wore this to torment the men in here.”

She snorted.

Cain whirled her out, then pulled her back so they were face to face. He clamped an arm around her waist, hauled her up, and slid a thigh between hers. Her feet weren’t fully touching the ground.

“Cain.” Her gaze locked on him.

He loved her eyes. One was blue and one was green. Unique. Just like Jet.