Page 10 of Hex

He’d seen all kinds of women before. Beautiful, bold, shy, mousy, striking, quiet, loud. He’d seen it all. He’d slept with a few.

Yet, he’d never met anyone quite like Jet “Hex” Adler.

He pulled her closer. He shouldn’t be doing this. He knew that she wasn’t for him.

Max had taught him to stay alone, unattached. A man like him, with no family or close friends, had nothing to lose. He could do this job. Work for his country and its people.

Jet was too good for him. She might have a snarky edge, but she was still sweet and good underneath it all.

He knew all that logically, yet he didn’t let her go. Some part of him couldn’t damn well stay away. He pulled her close and buried his face in her hair. “Damn, you smell good.”

Her hands clenched on him. For a few minutes, they danced to the music, holding each other close.

He heard his heart thud loudly in his head.Shit. Cain stroked a hand down to her ass. He wondered what she tasted like.

Jet tipped her head back, the lights strobing across the dance floor, highlighting her pretty face. He cupped her jaw. So damn pretty.

He should let her go. He shouldn’t hold her like this.

But he didn’t let go.

Her gaze stayed locked on his

He squeezed her tight ass. He wondered what was under the dress. He imagined that small body spread out for him, imagined touching her, licking her sweet pussy, sliding his cock into her warmth. He’d have to work to get her to take him.

His cock was as hard as steel now. He knew she felt it. Saw heat in her gaze.

“You came armed.” She rubbed against him.

Damn, he wanted to laugh. No one made him laugh like her. He leaned down, his lips inches from hers, they were breathing each other’s breath.

“Hey.” A man appeared, drunk by the looks of it. “I want a turn with her. She’s hot.”

“Get lost,” Cain growled.

The man puffed up his chest. “You can’t hog her all—”

Cain snapped a hand out, tapping the man’s throat. It wasn’t hard enough to hurt him, but enough so he felt it. The man gagged and bent over.

Cain pushed Jet behind him. “Are you going?”

The idiot decided to take a swing. He straightened, his arm swiping out wildly.

Moving fast, Cain grabbed the man’s arm, then jerked it up behind his back. The man’s pained sound was audible over the loud music.

Looking around, Cain caught the gaze of a security guard at the edge of the dance floor, and waved him over.

The drunk took a spluttering breath, but thankfully the security guard grabbed the back of his shirt and dragged him away.

Cain turned. Jet was watching him, a hot look on her face.

Shit. He snaked his arms around her. “Does violence make you hot, pixie?”

“Not usually.” She pressed her hands to his chest and leaned in. “But you barely did anything, and—”

He couldn’t stop himself. He took her mouth with his.

Alarms blared in his head, but he ignored them. He kissed her. He needed to taste her again. Just a little taste.