Page 13 of Hex

“What’s the tech?” Killian asked.

Shade paused. “It’s next-generation drone technology. AI-driven systems that allow swarm-like formations.”

Jet gasped. “Swarming. I’ve read articles on the possibilities of the tech. Entire swarms of drones flying together, working together, with minimal human intervention. If that falls into enemy hands…”

“Our enemies would be able to develop the technology themselves, and in addition, they’d have the ability to hack our drones.” Shade clasped his hands behind his back. “They could take over our drones, conduct strikes on our own soil, and attack military targets overseas, all using our own gear.”

They were all silent as the ramifications sank in. This was bad. Really bad.

“So who’s selling top-secret government technology to the bad guys?” Killian asked.

“Someone keen to make a lot of money.” Shade’s tone was harsh. “We don’t know who the buyer is, but we know they’re offering two-hundred million dollars.”

Devyn whistled.

Jet studied Shade’s face. She saw the lines bracketing his mouth. This pissed him off. He risked his life to keep people safe, and whoever this corporate thief was, they were risking lives.

“After careful surveillance, we tracked the leak to this woman.” He pulled out his phone and tapped. On the interactive screen behind him, an image appeared of a short woman in a pantsuit, with a dark, bob hairstyle, entering a building with the name Dynathon on the glass.

Dynathon was a huge aerospace and defense company that did a lot of work for the military.

But that wasn’t what caught Jet’s attention. “Wait! You hacked my system.”

Shade shot her a smile.

Killian held up a hand, forestalling further argument. “Who is she?”

“Her name is Sara Mardis. She’s a lead scientist on Dynathon’s drone projects.”

“She’s selling out her own project!” Jet was incensed.

“She has debts, and a sick mother. She’s recently divorced. And it was ugly. Whoever the buyer is, he went for the weakest link.”

Killian nodded. “He probably targeted her for months and worked her hard.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Jet said. “This is selling out your country. Treason. It will cost innocent lives.”

“We need to stop her passing on the tech, and find out who the buyer is.” Shade’s gaze fell on Jet.

She felt like he was looking inside her, stripping all of her defenses. She fought the urge to fidget.

“That’s where Hex comes in,” he said.

She cocked a brow. “Oh?”

“Sara Mardis is currently locked up in a cell. And she’s talking. She’s scheduled to attend the Global Tech Summit conference in Paris.”

Jet stifled a gasp. She’d always wanted to go. “The conference is this week.”

He nodded. “She’s planning to hand a data chip containing all the drone schematics, with details on the swarming tech, to the buyer at the conference.”

Jet frowned. “Okay. Did she say who the buyer is?”

Shade shook his head. “All communication was done via email and messages. No names. No voices. She has no idea who the buyer is.”

Jet shook her head. “She must know it’s an enemy or criminal.”

Shade shrugged. “At this point, she was only thinking about the money.” He slid his hands into his pockets. “I need you to go undercover as Sara Mardis and make the handoff.”