Page 12 of Hex


As Jet strode into her command center, she didn’t feel her usual sense of calm and pleasure. Her big, interactive screen and computers usually made her feel good.

Not tonight.

The light clicked on automatically. She saw the searches she’d set before she’d left for her birthday drinks were still running.

God, trust Shade to ruin her birthday.

She heard the murmur of deep voices behind her. Killian and Cain… No, Shade. She needed to use his code name. To remind herself of exactly who he was.

A player. A man who knew exactly how to play a part.

A man who only cared about his mission.

Devyn had warned her. Shade was a man who’d do anything to achieve his mission objective.

There was no reason for him to flirt with her. To act like he liked her. Wanted her.

So why the hell had he done it?

She huffed out a breath and kicked her shoes off. Stupid heels. She tossed her handbag on the desk.

He didn’t need to flirt and turn her on, to make her feel special.

She dropped into her chair.

From now on, no more fantasies about him. No more messages and flirty texts and teasing.

Killian, Shade, and Devyn walked in, their faces serious.

Work. She could focus on that and be professional.

Devyn sat on the table beside Jet, and crossed her long legs. She looked stunning in a strapless, grass-green dress. Jet would hate her if she didn’t already love her. The woman was yin to Killian’s yang. Jet was grateful that Devyn had made the man so happy. Killian was a badass, and he was always looking out for everyone. He deserved some happiness.

Devyn gave him that.

Jet rubbed a palm against the ache in her chest. She glanced at Killian. Despite the long day and the late hour, his suit still looked freshly pressed, and his hair unruffled.

Shade stepped to the front of her space, like he owned it. She fought back a scowl. He looked like every good-looking bad boy that teen girls swooned over, and grown women dropped their panties for.

He wore all black. Black button-down shirt, black pants that hugged strong thighs. His tawny hair was in a man bun that begged fingers to pull it down. She remembered pulling it loose on the dance floor while they’d kissed the hell out of each other. Her cheeks heated and she shoved the memory away. He’d clearly re-tied it.

He wasn’t exactly handsome. Not in a Hollywood kind of way. He had too much of an edge, a harsh, sexy strength.

“All right, what’s going on?” Killian demanded.

“I have a mission.” The light of the screen caught Shade’s face. He was frowning. “We’ve been following a leak of top-secret military technology. It’s being sold to foreign interests.”

“Shit,” Devyn said.

Shit was right. Jet fiddled with her long necklace as her thoughts ticked over. That put the country’s entire military at risk.

“The leak’s coming from a private contractor,” Shade continued. “The higher-ups in the company all checked out. They are also on board to plug the leak.”

“Before they lose their valuable government contracts,” Devyn said dryly.

He nodded.