Page 70 of Tanner's Forever

Running my fingers through his hair, I say, “I actually had another idea.”

“What’s that, beautiful?”

“Well, my friends called this morning, wanting to see what was going on tonight.”

“Do you want me to watch the boys so you can go have a girl’s night?” He asks as though that would be no big deal. Could this man be any more wonderful?

“Thank you for the offer, but I actually already asked my dad to watch the kids tonight. I thought we could go out together. We can spend some time with my friends and then come home and have some completely uninterrupted alone time.”

His pierced tongue licks his bottom lip. “Oh, yeah?”

“Mm-hmm. And then, guess what?”


Now, it’s my turn to whisper in his ear. “I don’t have to be quiet.”

“You realize that I’m going to be thinking about that all day now, right?”

I lean up to kiss him. “Yep.”

“God, I love you,” he says before kissing me.

“I love you too.”

The other night, when I was sick and told him I loved him, I meant it. Watching Tanner interact with my kids in such an amazing way was enough to make me say it out loud. The next day, Tanner said it to me, and I could tell he was nervous. He thought maybe I wouldn’t remember, or maybe I didn’t mean it.

But I meant it then, and I mean it now.

I never thought I would fall in love again, but the universe brought me Tanner—the one man I think that could rip down all the walls that I’ve built.

I do my best to drown out the little voice in my head that tells me another shoe will drop. It always does.

“Have I mentioned how stunning you look?” Tanner leans in to ask me.

Gina and Nancy got up to go to the bar and grab another round for all of us, leaving Tanner and I at the table alone.

“You have, but I don’t think I’ll get tired of hearing it.”

“When we get home, I’m going to enjoy making you come every way imaginable.”

Just the thought of it makes me wet. We’ve still had sex lately—great sex even. But I’m ready for him to fuck my brains out tonight.

When Nancy and Gina return, they bombard Tanner with questions. What are your intentions with our friend? How do you feel about Erin having kids? Do you have a criminal record?

I guess he answers all of their questions in an acceptable manner because they seem to lighten up on him. Gina even goes on to ask him a question about the guy she’s been seeing.

“We seem to be getting along really well. But he always wants to come to my place. I have no idea where he lives. When I suggest coming over, he freaks out on me.”

“How many times?” Tanner asks.

“We’ve been seeing each other for about a month now.”

I’m a little shocked because Gina doesn’t normally ‘date’. She just adds notches to her bedpost. She’s all about the fun, and it’s always worked for her. So, it’s a little weird that she’s hung up on this guy.

Tanner asks, “And he won’t even give you his address?”

I jump in. “To be fair, Tanner, I haven’t seen your place. We always go to mine.”