Page 69 of Tanner's Forever

“Still, I know three kids is a lot to take on.”

I kiss the top of her head. “They’re great kids.”

“They’re alright,” she jokes. Sick as a dog and still funny as hell. “They seem to like you too. I guess now maybe you can come around more often—you know, when you’re not working.”

“About that,” I tell her. “I may be in town a lot more often.”

“Oh?” She asks, barely able to keep her eyes open.

“Yeah, but we will talk about it later.”

“Okay, baby.” She goes quiet for a minute but then says, “Hey, Tanner?”

“Yes, beautiful?”

“I love you.”

An unexpected smile crosses my lips. Fuck, it feels good to hear her say those words. I don’t even care that she’s sick and possibly delirious when she said them.

Pulling her tighter, I say, “I love you too, babygirl. So fucking much.”

As I look down, I see that she’s already softly snoring against me. I guess I’ll just have to tell her again tomorrow.

And every single day from now on that she will have me.

Chapter Twenty-five


“Wheredoesthepastago?” Tanner asks me as we unload the grocery bags.

I point to the cabinet next to the microwave. “That one. Hey, thank you for watching the kids while I went to the store. It makes it way easier to go without six extra hands randomly throwing things in the cart.”

‘No worries. We went out back and kicked the soccer ball around for a while. I don’t know who is more worn out—them or me.”

“I’m sure they like having you around to play with. Running around doesn’t bode well for women with big boobs. I about give myself a black eye.”

“Not going to lie; I’d like to see that.”

I laugh. “You just want to see them bounce.”

“Duh.” He walks over to me and puts his hands on my ass. “Maybe later on, I can see them bounce in a completely different context.”

I smile. “I think we can arrange that.”

He leans in to whisper, “Think you can be quiet?”

Lately, Tanner and I have always had the kids, so every time we get anysexytime, it’s usually quick, and I have to try to be as quiet as a church mouse. Do you know how hard that is while a man with a cock ring screws your brains out?

After Tanner met the boys, I realized that I was silly for wondering how this would all work. So far, it’s going great. Tanner got promoted at work, so he’s around a lot more, which I love. And so do the kids.

This whole thing is working out much better than I ever thought it could have. Tanner still hasn’t stayed the night with the kids home. I’m still a little iffy on that one and don’t want to completely shell shock the kids. We will get there eventually.

For now, Tanner comes over after I get off work, and we spend the evening together with the kids. And now that it’s my weekend to have the kids, he came over early this morning and is spending the day.

It’s all wonderful, but I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. There has to be something wrong with this, right? It’s all too perfect to just stay that way.

He trails a few kisses along my neck, waiting for my answer as to whether or not I can keep quiet while he does filthy things to my naked body.