Page 120 of Left Field Love

“You’ve been here before?”

“Once, in high school. The four of us came up back in junior year.”

“What did you guys do?”

“Stupid stuff you do when you’re sixteen and there’s no parental supervision,” I reply.

Lennon rolls her eyes as we enter the house. Colt, Jake, and Luke are all in the kitchen. Colt is fiddling with the coffee maker, Luke is surveying the contents of the fridge, and Jake is slumped on one stool at the kitchen island, looking half-asleep.

“Morning, guys,” I greet.

My three best friends all look over, wearing matching expressions of confusion.

“We thought you two were still in bed,” Colt says.

“Why the hell are you all wet?” Jake asks. “Again.”

I forgot he saw us after the last canoe trip we took together, too.

“We took a canoe out,” I answer, heading for the fridge and reaching around Luke to grab the orange juice. “Lennon wanted to go swimming.”

“You went canoeing?” Luke questions.


“You should’ve taken the speedboat out instead,” Colt comments. “Way more fun.”

“There’s a speedboat?” Lennon asks.

“Uh-huh. We can go out after breakfast,” Colt tells her.

“There’s a speedboat,” Lennon informs me.

I nod, smirking. “Yeah, I know.”

Lennon huffs out an annoyed sigh. “I’m going to change. Breakfast will be ready when I get back, right?”

I turn back toward the fridge. “Yeah, yeah. I’m working on it.”

“’Kay.” She smiles at me before disappearing down the hall.

“Sweet. You’re making breakfast, Winters?” Jake finally perks up.

“Not for you.”

“You’re cooking for Lennon! Just make extra!”

“I’m making her breakfast because she’s my girlfriend. And because…” If I don’t tell them now, Lennon will probably mention it later. “I lost a bet.”

Colt laughs. “What was it?”

“Swimming,” I grumble.

“Is that code for something else?” Jake asks, wagging his eyebrows.

“No, you idiot. I literally mean swimming. She beat me back to the canoe.”

“Are you sure there’s not a third reason you’re on kitchen duty?”