Page 121 of Left Field Love

I pull a carton of eggs out of the fridge and glance at Jake. “What?”

“I got areallygood night’s sleep last night. Seems like a sad effort on your part, Winters.”

I shake my head. I’ve never discussed my physical relationship with Lennon before, and I’m not going to start now. That stays between us. “Why the fuck were youlistening?”

“I’ve never vacationed with a couple,” Jake says. “I was expecting some noise, that’s all.”

“We’re crashing at Colt’s for two nights. I wouldn’t call that a vacation,” I respond, cracking and mixing the eggs.

“Whatever. If you need some pointers to spice things up, I got you.”

I pick up a banana from the bowl on the counter and throw it at Jake. “Talk to me when you get a girlfriend. Far as I can tell, no girl wants to fuck you on a regular basis. That’s hardly a ringing endorsement.”

He grins at me. “I don’t have a girlfriend becausetoo manygirls want to fuck me on a regular basis.”

“Keep telling yourself that, Barnes.”

“I really should have spent longer changing.” I glance at the doorway, watching Lennon walk across the kitchen to the island and take a seat on the stool next to Jake. “Put a sock on the door next time, you guys.”

It’s almost comical, watching Jake sit up and the tips of his ears turn red. “Sorry, Lennon. I’m just…tired.”

Lennon reaches over, grabbing the banana Jake caught off the counter and peeling it. “Thought we didn’t keep you up?” She pops a piece of fruit into her mouth.

I don’t hide my grin as I pour the eggs in the pan.

“I—that wasn’t…”

“Maybe you should just stop talking, Jake,” Luke suggests.

“Don’t act like you’re not single too,” Jake replies.

I look at Luke. “You and Amanda broke up?”

He shrugs. “Yeah. She got super serious. Wanted to know my plans for next year. Said we should be figuring it out together. I told her I don’t even know what I want myself, never mind factoring in another person. That was pretty much that.”

“I’m sorry, man,” I say. When I look at Lennon, she’s studying the empty banana peel on the counter.

Luke and Amanda were together for a few months.

Lennon and I have been dating for almost three years. We’ve known each other for seven.

The two situations aren’t comparable.

At least, I hope they’re not.

* * *

After breakfast, we all head back to our rooms to change into bathing suits. Lennon remains in the kitchen, loading the dishwasher.

“I’m glad you brought Lennon this weekend,” Colt tells me as we walk down the hallway toward the bedrooms. “It’s nice seeing you so happy, man.”

“Thanks. I am.”

“Luke’s break-up didn’t freak you out?”

“Me and Lennon are nothing like that. I’m serious about her. Always have been.”

Colt laughs. “Yeah, I know. I’m the one who tried to get you to just tell her you were crazy about her and got a lot of shit for it, remember?”