"But you said, 'if I want to stay here.'"
"I meant what I said. I'm not sure how much sleep you'll get. That was all.”
“But last time I was here, he slept through.”
The corners of his mouth twitched. “No, he didn’t. But I went to him before he woke you up.”
“Wow. I didn’t realize.”
“Even so, that was a good night. But some aren’t. And I don't want you to be sleep-deprived because of me."
I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear, trying to gauge if he really meant it. "I don't mind," I said.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah." I wanted to be close to him, to both of them. Part of me worried this was going too fast. I still wasn’t healed from everything that went down with Wally. But things were shifting for me. I was looking forward to the future more than I feared it.
I yawned and then put a hand on my belly. “I'm a bit hungry.”
He grinned down at me. "Then let's get wild. See what I have for you down in the kitchen."
“I want to get dressed first.”
He’d put on fresh clothes, but I only had my crumpled white dress. I put it on, trying to smooth out the lines, but it wasn’t much use.
We descended the stairs together, and once in the kitchen, he opened the fridge.
"I have everything for chicken stir-fry, if you want."
"Sure. Why not? We can cook together. I will need precise directions. I've never cooked a stir-fry before."
He leaned over, pressing the tip of his nose into my cheek. "Works for me. I'm good at giving instructions, and you are excellent at following them."
I sucked in a breath. Well, well! He was determined to keep me on my toes, wasn't he? We started to work side by side. I liked the ease between us. We had a flow going.
"When are they returning from the walk?"
He looked at the fridge, which was when I realized he'd printed the baby's schedule. My God, this was adorable.
"This is... I didn't know people did this," I said.
"I made a color-coded spreadsheet because it’s easier for both me and Agatha to keep track. They should be back soon."
Once everything was in the pan, I felt my phone vibrate.
I had a message from Taylor.
Taylor: Date still ongoing?
Penny: YES! And it’s amazing.
Taylor: Good for you. I’m almost done filming in this hotel. Want to catch up later?
Penny: Sure.
While everything simmered in the pan, Spencer started the rice cooker. I was eyeing it with appreciation. I always managed to either burn the rice or make it watery. Looked like I needed to invest in one of those automated cookers.