Page 80 of Falling for the CEO

He took out his phone, saying, "Let me just check one step in the recipe because I can't remember if..." He groaned.

"What? Did we do something wrong?" I was already pretty hungry.

"No, it's from Naomi."

My stomach sank. My shoulders dropped.

"She's asking if she can drop by to see Ben. She can’t make it on her usual day."

"It's fine by me," I replied even though he hadn't asked.

"Are you sure? I was planning on making this an evening for us."

"We can do that another time. I should go..."

Spencer set his jaw. “I’d like you to meet her.”

“What?” I was stunned.

“I spoke to her about you.”

“You told Naomi about me?” I asked, speaking slowly. I couldn’t wrap my mind around his words.

“Yes. We didn’t have a big talk or anything, but I mentioned you.”

Surely that was a huge deal, right? It felt like that.

“You’re part of my life and Ben’s,” he went on. “I know we only agreed on a fling, but this feels more important.”

“For me too.” I smiled from ear to ear. This was a monumental shift, and I was bursting with happiness. This was amazing. There was no fear and no unease. I was simply basking in the moment.

"It's time you met Naomi too. I'm sorry to spring this on you."

"Really, I don't mind," I said, but on the inside, I was stressing out. “When is she coming?”

“One hour.”


Ten minutes later, the rice was ready. I was going through the motions. My mind was on Naomi. Why was I so nervous?

Agatha returned with Ben just as we finished eating, telling him she decided to stay outside longer because the weather was so gorgeous. She gave Spencer a rundown of the day. Once she left, I cuddled Ben. He snuggled his forehead against my clavicle, making cute baby noises.

"When is Naomi arriving?" I asked.

"Twenty minutes, give or take."

The doorbell rang seven minutes later. I tried to calm down as Spencer went to open the door. He was carrying Ben now.

"Parking here is getting worse every time, I swear. And what’s that god-awful Ford still doing there? Your neighbor is allowing their staff to park in front of the house? It’s ruining the aesthetic of the neighborhood.” She stopped, glancing at me. “Are you the new nanny?”

“No. Naomi, this is Penny.”

“Oh!” Her expression immediately changed. She softened her brow, glancing up and down at me. Clearly, she wasn’t impressed. I tried to view myself from her point of view. My dress was crumpled, and the tip of my nose was red from the sun. She looked extremely fashionable in a dark green wraparound dress and high heels. Her blonde hair was styled in waves and clipped on the right side. She looked like a fashion model.

“Hi, Naomi! That’s my car, by the way.” My tone was belligerent, but I couldn’t keep it even.

She flushed. "Oh, are you one of those types who wants to save the planet and buys age-old cars? Because let me tell you, the new ones are much more comfortable and eco-friendly."