Page 28 of Cross the Line

“You’re jokin’. You’re not tellin’ me the truth.”

“Oh, come on, Cross! When have you known me to lie?” I snap at him, wiping the tears from my cheeks with my free hand. Cross doesn’t say anything. He just shakes his head like he can’t believe it’s true. Then it hits me. What the hell is he doing here anyway?

“How did you find me?” I ask.

“I wasn’t lookin’ for you. I was lookin’ for him,” he says, nodding toward Luke. I should have known better, but they didn’t talk. I knew that much. I knew they didn’t talk to each other, and yet here he was looking for his brother.

“I should have planned on this, but I didn’t.”

“What do you mean?”

“You looking for your dear old brother. I should have known you’d come,” I tell him, pressing the knife deeper.

“You knew he was my brother?”

“I heard talk. I wasn’t as stupid as some of the other girls. I listened.”

“And they knew about me?” he asks.

“They knew about you. They also knew you didn’t talk to this little bitch either. I banked on that. I should have been smarter,” I tell him.

“I can’t let you kill him, Raven.”

“You really don’t have a say in the matter. I told you that you’d hate me when this was over. It isn’t over until I end his pathetic little life,” I inform him. Cross shakes his head, running his hand through his hair before looking at me.

“Luke traded you for drugs?” he asks as he slowly pieces it together.

“Like I was nothing. I’m nothing, Cross. We all know it.”

“You’re not nothin’. You’re mine.” A noise comes from Luke’s throat, and I pull the gag out of his mouth.

“She’s lying, Rob! She’s nothing but a liar. She’s making this all up,” he screams at the top of his lungs. I smirk. I’m a lot of things, but a liar isn’t one of them.

“She wouldn’t lie. Not to me,” Cross replies, staring at his brother.

“She is! I’m your brother, Rob! Come on!” Cross shakes his head once more.

“She wouldn’t lie to me, Luke. You fuckin’ traded her for drugs? Do you have any idea what the hell she went through?” he seethes with anger now. I can see it in his eyes. Maybe he won’t stop me. Maybe he will watch me end his brother’s life.

“I was broke, man! They made an offer. I didn’t think she’d be in the trafficking ring! I thought they might have used her and tossed her ass back out,” Luke blurts, making my skin crawl.

“And that’s different, how?” Cross roars.

“You can’t let her do this, Rob. We’re family.” That’s enough, and I shove the gag back into his mouth as Cross looks back at me.

“You can’t do this,” he repeats.

“I can and I will. Luke traded me, Cross. There’s no way in hell I’m backing down now.”

“This is why you left? To handle him?” he asks as I nod my head.

“I couldn’t let him live with what he did to me. And you know what? He acted like he had no clue. Like, I was just gone on a fucking vacation. The motherfucker took me back in as if nothing had happened.” Cross’s eyes move from mine to his brothers.

“You thought she wouldn’t know?” he asks, but Luke can’t answer with the gag in his mouth.

“You see why I needed to finish this?” I ask Cross. He steps toward me, and I press the knife deeper into Luke’s throat. It’s a warning Cross understands. He stops moving and shifts from foot to foot as if he has no idea what to do right now. And maybe he doesn’t. He doesn’t know how to approach me. Cross doesn’t know if I’m as insane as he thinks I am right now. Would I really do it? That’s the thought crossing his mind right now. I can see it in his eyes.

“I get it, Raven, but it’s Luke.”