Page 29 of Cross the Line

“And that means nothing to me.”

“You don’t care if he’s my family?”

“Oh, come on, Cross. He doesn’t give a shit about you. Do you know how many times I’ve heard about how Rob thinks he’s better than everyone else? Rob is just a piece of shit half-brother? Don’t you think I connected the fucking dots?” He stares at me intently, trying to gauge if I’m lying to him when I see how his shoulders relax.

“You can’t do it here,” he says.

“Why not? I’ve been slowly killing the asshole since I came back. Here is as good of a place as any.”

“You think the cops won’t look into his death?” Cross asks me.

“You think I’d stick around?”

“That’s why you left me?”

“I knew I could never come back after what I was about to do. I knew you’d hate me and that there would be some kind of investigation into his death,” I admit.

“Fuck, Raven.”

“Just walk away, Cross. Pretend you didn’t see any of this,” I tell him.

“You think it’s that easy?”

“Why not? You don’t like him, Cross!”

“But I care about you, Raven!” His words slammed into my chest like a ton of bricks. I wasn’t expecting that. I wasn’t expecting him to say that to me.

“But you can’t.”

“I fuckin’ can. And I do. Where does this leave us? Where are you gonna go after this is over?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t think that far ahead. I was just going to leave and see where I ended up.”

“So I’m that easy to forget?” I shake my head. God, no.

“You aren’t easy to forget, Cross, but this will always be between us. What I’m going to do will always linger there,” I tell him.

“Don’t kill him then,” Cross suggests.

“How can I not? This is the final chapter of my book, the ending,” I say as tears slip down my cheeks.

“It doesn’t have to be.”

“I let him live, and then what? He does it again? Does it to another girl?” I shake my head. There’s no way I can let that happen. I cannot let some other girl go through what I did. I’d always know it was my fault, and I can’t have that on my shoulders.

“What if he disappeared?” Luke still mumbles around his gag, but my sole focus is on Cross.

“It wouldn’t be enough,” I tell him.

“What if I make him disappear?”

“You can’t do that. I need to finish what I started, Cross. I don’t expect you to understand or agree with it. I never did. That’s why I refused your help. This is something I have to do.”

“I get it. I do, but I need you, Raven. I can’t fuckin’ think straight without you.”

“It’ll never work. You’ll always hate me for killing Luke.”

“Let’s think about this,” he says as I shake my head. There is no more thinking about this. This is what needs to be done.