Page 15 of Cross the Line

“It’s easier this way,” I tell him.

“Is it? Or is it the cowardly way out?” I should be offended by his words and attitude, but I’m not. He’s right. I’m taking the cowardly way out. I’m running away behind his back so I don’t have to say goodbye.

“Maybe,” I tell him.

“I get it, Raven. Not wantin’ to say goodbye to someone but don’t you think he deserves it?”

“He deserves a lot of things I can’t give him, Griz.”

“This is somethin’ you can give him.” He’s right. I could if I wanted to, but it’s easier this way.

“I don’t think I could walk out that door if he were here.” Griz slowly nods his head as if he understands.

“You got a plan?”

“I do.”

“Then I’m not anyone to stand in your way. Come back if you need us, yeah?” I nod my head as I smile up at him.

“I will.”

“You better. This is gonna break Cross,” he tells me.

“He’s strong.”

“He is, but to what extent?”

“His chapter in my book is over. I can’t change that.” Griz nods once more before resting his hand on my shoulder.

“I hope you’re doin’ the right thing. And I hope you stay safe, Raven. If you ever need anything, just call or come by. Someone is always here.”

“Thanks, Griz. And tell him thank you. For everything.”

He nods once more as I walk past him and out the door. It’s a strange feeling being out here without one of the guys. No, without him. Without Cross.

Taking a deep breath, I put one foot in front of the other and made my way down the street. This might be the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

Chapter Nine


I’m ready as I’ll ever be. Anticipation builds inside of me the closer we get. Something else eats away at my insides, although I can’t place it. I think it’s the thought of leaving Raven behind. I haven’t left her since she’s been there, and that’s saying something.

“You okay?” Trek asks.

“Yeah, I’m good. Just wanna get this over with,” I tell him. It’s true to a point. The faster we get this done, the faster we get home, and I get to Raven. I never thought about having someone there when I got home from a run. Cara was never a part of that. I didn’t want her to be. But Raven? Knowing she’s there waiting for me does something to my insides. It gives me a sense of strength and stability. I know it won’t last, but I can take it while I have it.

“Heard that, brother. Fuckin’ kids. That pisses me off more than you could know,” he says. I look sideways and see Drake, anger rolling off him in waves. This motherfucker lives for this shit. It hits too close to home for him.

“We’re two minutes out. We hit the house, and we go.” Demon orders. We all know the drill, we’ve been over it, and none of us want to spend any time in that house that isn’t necessary.

The closer we get, the greater the tension is. We don’t know what we’re walking into. We don’t know what’s inside that house, although from the intel we gathered, there are no children. I don’t know if I’m thankful for that or not. I’m not sure I could handle finding small kids inside there. It was bad enough finding the women.

I crack my neck as I pull my gun and have it ready. The van thumps over a few bumps before I feel it slowing. Then it stops, and the back doors fly open. I take a deep breath, and we unload quickly. As we walk through the front yard, we fall into formation, part of us breaking off to go back. We look like a goddamn swat team.

Once we’re at the door, I take another calming breath, knowing this big hit will take out many of their key players.

The front door is kicked open, and we file inside. Shots are fired, but with the silencers, none are heard. I aim and fire at every man I see. The disgusting pieces of shit fall to the ground as we make our way through the house. I hear Trek call out clear from one room as I kick the door to another open. Inside, my heart drops. There’s a woman bound and gagged, tears streaming down her cheeks. As I get closer, I raise my free hand to show her I will not hurt her. She trembles in fear, and something inside of me wants to snap. It wants to kill everyone out there all over again.