“You’re a loose cannon, Luka! We never take you seriously because we never know where your head is at!”
“Oh, come on now. You should know me better than that by now. After all these years, Father? Really?”
“I didn’t think you’d kill him. Hurt him, maybe, but killing him was different. You’re no longer wanted in this familigia.”
“Is that right? Costa taking my place?” I ask harshly. Let him say yes, and I’ll break my promise to Delaney and kill the motherfucker today.
“No. Costa was never in a position to take over, and you know it.”
“I don’t know it. You know why? Because you were shoving him down our throats. You wanted him in here so badly. What changed?” I ask him.
“Everything changed, Luka. You made sure of that.”
“I eliminated a problem,” I say simply.
“So simple for you, isn’t it? Just kill your brother and go off on your honeymoon.” Now I’m angry. Now he’s crossed a line. I slam my hands on his desk in front of me and look him in the eye.
“Tell me, Father. Was it so easy for you to leave my mama and me to die? Was it so simple to take Romano and pray they killed the bad son?”
“I did no such thing,” he says. Liar. I can see it in his eyes; he’s lying.
“You think I haven’t heard the rumors over the years? Do you think I didn’t overhear the conversations? What kind of man did you think you were dealing with?” I ask him.
“What did you hear, Luka?”
“Just what I said. You left me to be killed. Did you know I saw it all? I saw them kill her. I watched her body drop to the ground in a pool of blood. Do you know what that felt like being a kid? A child who was supposed to be protected? If all backfired on you, didn’t it? You came home hoping, probably praying I was dead, except I was unharmed in my room.”
“You’re lying.”
“I’m not. I ran and hid. They couldn’t find me. I made sure of it.”
“And you think I was trying to get you killed? What kind of father would that make me?”
“We’re so much alike, Father. So much alike. We’re both greedy men. We want what we want, don’t we? You wanted Romano, and instead, you got me. You. Got. Me!” I roar the last three words. He doesn’t know what to say, so he says nothing as he watches me. It must be hard to look at a carbon copy of yourself, a younger version of who you used to be. I can see it in his eyes; he doesn’t know what the hell to do with me now.
“You’re no longer welcome here,” he tells me softly.
“This is my home too. Once you’re gone, it will all be mine,” I tell him.
“Do you plan on shooting me too?”
“Shooting you? No,” I shake my head. “That would end it all too quickly. I prefer to let you suffer for what you did to me, to watch you rot from the inside out.” He looks at me strangely, but all I can do is smile. He doesn’t get it. I have people on my side here helping me. Rigo has ensured every glass of liquor this motherfucker has drunk, and that’s a lot, has been laced with poison. Yes, I’m slowly killing him, drink by fucking drink.
“What’s wrong, Father?”
“You’re insane. I should have locked you away when you were younger and killing animals.”
“But I got the girl, no? In the end, I got what I wanted,” I remind him.
“Is that all you wanted?” Now I stand up straight and cross my arms over my chest.
“What do you want?” he asks almost hesitantly.
“I want it all. I want Costa out on his ass where he belongs. Nothing good will come of this,” I admit. Or is it more of a warning? Either way, he better be ready for what I’m going to unleash.
“How would you know? You’ve never given it a chance, Luka. Had you let the wedding go on as planned, things would have been different now,” he tells me. I don’t care what he has to say. Nothing good will come of this. I know Costa. I know men like Costa because I’m one of them. He wants what he wants, and he isn’t going to get it. “He isn’t very happy about the marriage either,” he adds.