Page 37 of Greed

“I don’t care who’s happy and who isn’t. I did what needed to be done. You kept to your end of the deal. She married a Bianchi.”

“I still can’t believe you did it. I just …” He has no words for me, and the motherfucker has the balls to sit there and look almost sad about losing Romano. Would he have been this sad losing me? No, I don’t think he would have. So fuck him and his feelings.

“One day, Father. One day this will all be taken away from you, and then what? What are you going to do?” I ask him.

“I’ll never let my guard down around you, Luka. Not after what you’ve done to this family.”

“What I’ve done? What about what you’ve done? You took my mother away from me because you were a selfish fucker. You took her life because you could, and you left me for dead. Would you have mourned me the way you are Romano?” I ask him, tilting my head to the side to study the asshole. He looks away from me, giving me the answer I need. He wouldn’t have cared or shed a tear for me.

“Your mother was a causality of war. I didn’t plan on her being harmed,” he says, causing me to laugh.

“You’re a good liar but not good enough. I know you left that day because you knew they were coming. You could have taken us with you. Why? Why, Papa, did you leave us behind? What did she do that was so bad?” I see the fire in his eyes, and I know there’s something more I don’t know. I can tell. And now I need to know. I need to know what she did that was so bad he would leave her behind to be killed.

“She was a whore, Luka! She was sleeping with other men!”

“As if you were faithful.”

“I’m a man. We do what we have to do but her? She didn’t have to do anything but be a fucking wife and mother to you two.”

“There’s more. I can feel it,” I tell him as he looks at me. No, he’s not just looking at me, but rather he’s looking through me. “I’m not your real son am I?”

“Luka.” He begins, but he never finishes. That’s it. I’ve figured out why he would have left me behind and not Romano. I was never his to begin with. My stomach churns at the thought.

“I’m not your son,” I say once more. “Who else knows this?”

“No one.”

“No lying! Who else knows this?” I demand this time.

“Costa knows. That’s why he didn’t want you to marry his daughter. You’re a nobody, Luka. You aren’t a Bianchi.” The room spins around me as I listen to his words. I’m not a Bianchi. Then what the hell am I? What the fuck am I? I can’t think straight. I rush around the desk and grab him by the throat, ripping him out of his chair before slamming him against the wall.

“You never told me!”

“It never mattered until now.”

“You should have told me sooner!” I roar in his face.

“Would it have made a difference?” But now that I think about it, that voids Costa’s claim to this family. I’m not a Bianchi, so neither is Delaney.

“Who am I?” I demand. “Who the fuck am I?” I roar louder.

“Your father is Vincent Margetti.” My heart tumbles in my chest as I listen to what he’s saying. No. No fucking way is Margetti my father. This changes things. This changes a lot of things.

I release my hold on him and step back, eyeing him.

“You’re not lying to me?”

“No. You’re a Margetti.” I raise my head and hold it high before turning and leaving his office. He chuckles behind me, but I’ll have the last laugh.

Chapter 17

Isit at the counter, downing drink after drink. Delaney doesn’t know what to say to me, so she says nothing, just lingers nearby. She makes herself busy cleaning up a spotless kitchen. I just ignore her and continue my drinking. Everything is fucked up now. Everything has changed.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“No.” I shove off the stool leaving my glass sitting there before stalking around the cabinet and grabbing her around the waist. I pull her against me and kiss her as I’ve never kissed her before. I shove her roughly against the counter before sliding my hands under the shirt she has on. She doesn’t say anything, and I know this is wrong, but I need her right now. So I take what I want as usual.

I spin Delaney around, shove her down on the counter before hiking the shirt up over her ass, and groan at the vision before me. With one hand on her back, keeping her in place, I use the other to unbuckle my slacks and slide them down my legs along with my briefs. Then I thrust into her. I don’t give her time to adjust because I’m pissed off. I’m confused. I’m angry. There are so many emotions running through me right now that I can’t get them all straight, so I take it out on her pussy.