Page 85 of Forbidden Want

She smiled and rolled onto her side, propping her head on a hand. “No worse than you thinking about Evander while we were doing it on the desk earlier.”

He reappeared, frowning;he was always frowning. “You’re the only thing in my head when we’re fucking.”

He retreated.

She sank onto her back. “We should stop having so much sex.” Her smile grew again. “You’re ruining me for other men.”

“What time is your hospital appointment tomorrow?”

Today more like, it was somewhere in the early hours. These times with Connel were fast becoming her favorite. When they were alone. In the dark. In bed.

“Two,” she said. “Strat will take me. Lach will probably show up… They like him over at the hospital. Nurses like him.”

“Women like authority,” he said, joining her again, returning to their bed.

“Do they?” she asked, her fingertips meeting his cheek when he loomed over her. “They say women go for men like their fathers.”

His reaction to that statement was nothing like Strat’s.

“How’s that working out for you?” he asked and kissed her slow before dropping onto his back beside her.

“I guess it is the authority,” she said. “My grandfather, my dad, they were always the most powerful men in whatever room we were in.” The way he shifted his head brought her onto her side again, this time her hand tucked under the pillow. He often did this, just lay there, head in his pillow, gaze on her or the ceiling. “What?”

Because she could see a question behind his scrutiny.

“He ever hit you?”

“My dad?” she asked, almost laughing. “God, no. He’d have to acknowledge me to hit me. Him and Lach on the other hand…”

“They fought?”

“Lachlan’s so desperate for his approval, he’d beat his own ass before Dad ever got close. Did I tell you about the weird conversation I had with him?”

“With who?”

“My dad. It was the day before the… thing.”

“The attack. You were attacked. Targeted and assaulted. It didn’t just roll off if you still can’t call it what it is.”

“That’s for later,” she said, wriggling closer to rest her splinted arm on his chest. “Lach got me into the police records department.”

Interesting slow blink of his emerald eyes. “Think of all the evidence you could destroy with access like that.”

He wasn’t smiling, but she laughed. “It’s the records room, not the evidence locker.”

“A lot of statements aren’t copied to other places. If it’s old enough, it’s not digitized. They leave tapes in files, video and audio.”

“Do you want me to destroy evidence for you?”

His head shifted so their eyes met again. “Would you?”

Free and easy felt so good.

She wasn’t concerned and rose to kiss him. “I could go to prison for a long time.”

“Not if we grease the right people… What did you say about waiting twenty-five to life…?” Leaving that lingering, his sincerity could go either way. “Tell me about the conversation with your dad.”

“I was leaving Records and he caught me in a stairwell.”