Page 86 of Forbidden Want

“Caught you?”

“We met,” she said. “Lachlan told him I was there. It was strange, really strange. He seemed… stressed. And my dad is never stressed.”

“What did he want?”

“He started by asking me to dinner, which straight away is strange because we’d already had lunch less than a week before. I can go a month without hearing from my father. Two meals in one week? Never happens.”

“I thought he’d be more on you after the attack,” he said. “That he’d have squads dedicated to your protection. Superintendent’s daughter, alderman’s granddaughter, he could justify it.”

“I don’t doubt Lachlan thought about it,” she said, rising to slide a leg over him, straddling his torso. “I’m happier you’re doing it.” His nuance was subtle, but that drew his curiosity. “More sex this way.”

Bowing over him, their lips found each other again. “Dunno, bet there’s a lot of boys in blue desperate to nail the boss’s daughter.”

“I have dated cops,” she said, her fingers trailing down him as she sat up again. “A lot of cops.”

“I bet you have.”

“Trouble with guys like that, I never know if they’re interested in me, or getting close to the men in my family.”

“There’s always an ulterior motive,” he said, cupping her breasts. “There’s power in having influence.”

“Lachlan’s too good to be manipulated like that. Though I know he feeds his ex information from time to time. He trusts her. Still loves her, I think.”

“With you. You have influence.”

“I don’t. I suppose people could think that, but it’s really not true. Any guy might believe I could whisper in my father or grandfather’s ear for them.” She exhaled a laugh. “Boy, would that guy be disappointed.”

“You’re his daughter. You don’t think he’d do whatever it took to keep you safe?”

“I think his concern is the integrity of the institution. Something he drummed into Lachlan over and over, all his life. In the hospital last week, he was pissed Lachlan wanted to be part of the investigation.”

“To get a conviction, the process has to be airtight. Chain of custody, ethical boundaries, all that shit.”

“I guess,” she said, her forefingers caressing the furrows of his ridged body. “It’s enviable how my father can be clear-headed and detached all the time. Every time I react with emotion, he gets so pissed off.”

“He lives with rules. Expectation. There’s a lot on his shoulders.”

Her lips curled again and she planted a hand on his chest. “Are you defending my father? The superintendent? You? Mr.IreMcDade?”

Connel didn’t seem to find it funny. “You don’t even realize it.”

Her smile faded when he responded with such solemnity. “I don’t realize what?”

“We’ve killed together, Macushla,” he said, his hand sliding over hers. “I don’t give a shit about the superintendent. Honestly, couldn’t give a crap. The guy doesn’t enter my head.”

“Okay, you want me to stop talking?” she asked, figuring he was done listening to her bullshit. Climbing off him, she tried to lie down, but he still held her hand on his chest. “There’s no reason you should give a—”

He yanked her hand, jerking her to him so hard, she gasped as her body, injured arm and all, collided with his.

“You think you react with emotion? Baby, you haven’t met me,” he snarled. “I defend the cunt who hurt you or I kill him. Choose your poison.”

“The cu… my father? You’d kill my father?” she whispered, stunned and… awed.

“If you asked me to.”

“You’d kill if I asked you to?”

“You follow my orders, Macushla. Whatever I tell you to do, you do.”