Page 16 of Release Me Not

So yeah, I’m pretty close to losing it at this point.

“Fucking hell,” I mutter to myself.

I’m home alone, having told Brandon to go back to the hotel to his fiancée because really there’s nothing he can do at this point. Well, he can do my job at the lodge, which he is doing thank fuck, because right now I have zero interest in going to work.

Instead, I’m lying on my unmade bed, next to the spot where Zoey normally sleeps, wearing the same clothes as yesterday as I stare up at the ceiling, wracking my brain with what the hell any of this might be about.

Nothing makes sense. Even sending the ransom notes to both me and Jeff and Pam is fucking weird. Like whoever is doing this isn’t specifically targeting the Holden’s and they aren’t specifically targeting me, they’re targeting both of us. And I mean yeah, we both have a lot of money, but what’s this person’s agenda? Do they have beef with me or beef with the Holden’s?

It’s not like our businesses have anything to do with each other, not directly anyway. We have no ties, no common investments, nothing.

The only thing linking us is Zoey and even that was supposed to be a secret.

Jesus, just the thought of someone knowing about us, of them secretly watching us and gathering intel on where we might be and when, makes me fucking sick. I always hated the idea of Zoey walking over to my place late at night, potentially exposing herself to this, but she’d assured me that it was safe, that Badger Creek was safe. And I knew no different. I trusted her with everything, so I wanted to believe she was right.

My phone ringing jolts me up as I reach for where it lies on Zoey’s pillow. Jeff’s name is flashing on the screen, and I quickly answer with a breathless, “Jeff, hey.”

“They’ve found her,” he says excitedly, not bothering with a hello.

“What?” I ask, my heart stalling out in my chest and the possibility of what he’s just said.

“Zoey. They’ve found her,” he repeats.

“Holy shit, is she okay? Where is she? When can I—”

“She’s okay,” he says, interrupting my rapid-fire questions. “She’s in a hospital in Nevada, not far, just across the border. She has a minor head injury and was dehydrated. We’re heading over there now with Detective Simmons.”

“I’m coming,” I snap, standing as I look around my room for some shoes.

Jeff lets out a soft chuckle as he says, “Yeah, I figured you’d want to come too. We’re heading over to your place now, see you in a few.”

I nod, hanging up without bothering to reply as I grab a sweater and stick my feet into the first pair of shoes I can find. As I walk out of the bedroom, I notice Zoey’s overnight bag sitting on the sofa by the door of my room and instinctively grab it, along with that sweater of mine she loves to wear so she has some fresh clothes to come home in.

By the time I reach the kitchen, my doorbell is ringing, so I quickly grab my keys and wallet before opening the front door.

“Hi,” Jeff says, a smile on his face.

“Hey,” I exhale, glancing at the luxury SUV behind him. I can see Pam sitting in the passenger seat and Max in the back.

“You want to come with us?” Jeff asks, jerking a thumb at his car. “We’re meeting Detective Simmons at the station and he’s going to drive with us over there.”

I glance at the SUV again, my gaze meeting Max’s. His face is expressionless as he stares back at me and I’m certain he will not want me coming with them. But there’s not a chance in hell that I’m not going and considering I have barely slept in the last forty-eight hours, I’m also not sure I should be driving either.

“Sure, thanks,” I say with a nod. Jeff gives me another smile as I set the alarm and then close and lock the door before we make our way over to the car. When we climb inside, I make a point of saying hello to Pam, who turns in the front seat to squeeze my knee with a smile, before turning to Max with a smile and a, “Hey.” He doesn’t say anything, just gives me a quick nod in acknowledgement, his eyes dropping to Zoey’s overnight bag. “I figured she might want some clean clothes,” I say, feeling all kinds of awkward.

“Oh, that’s a good idea,” Pam replies. “Thank you, Ethan.”

Jeff starts up the engine, making a quick U-turn before heading back down my driveway and toward the town.

“Has anyone told Alex or Delaney?” I ask, knowing they’ve been worried just as much as the rest of us.

Jeff flicks a quick glance in the rearview mirror at his son, who clears his throat and says, “Yeah, I told them. They’re waiting at home for her. I’ll text again once we get there, and we know when she can come home.”


I have no idea if he’s said it deliberately or not. I can’t even remember if I told them that Zoey was planning on moving in with me once we came clean to everyone about our relationship. The last two days have been nothing but an endless blur of nightmares and staring at my phone as I waited for news.

But now is not the time to say anything and honestly, at this point, I just need to see her. Everything else can wait.