Page 17 of Release Me Not

We reach the station quickly, the detective already waiting out front by his car. He comes over to speak briefly to Jeff and explain that he will drive over to Redwood hospital, wherever the fuck that is, and that we should follow. There is a Nevada detective who has been working things from that end and he wants to speak to us.

The drive over there feels like it takes forever and given we are following a cop, it’s not like Jeff can speed. We don’t talk much on the journey either, a nervous tension filling the car at just what we’re going to find on the other end.

Jeff said she was okay, just a minor head injury and some dehydration, but even that doesn’t sound good. And what else did this person put Zoey through? My mind wanders to the darkest of places and I have to clench my fists and grit my teeth just to stop myself from screaming.

Finally, we pull into the parking lot of a small hospital. Jeff parks close to the entrance, and we all climb out. I’m practically running toward the door, on edge and wishing to fuck we could just get to her already.

“Good evening,” Detective Simmons says, flashing his badge at the front desk. “Can you tell me what room Zoey Holden is in please?”

The older woman behind the desk nods before she types away at her keyboard, her eyes scanning the screen before they widen, and she looks back up at him. Detective Simmons just offers her another smile and flashes his badge again before saying, “Yes, I’m aware of who she is. I have her family here with me,” he says, motioning to us.

I hold my breath, waiting for one of them, Max probably, to correct him on that, because I am not family and up until two days ago, I wasn’t anything to them. But he doesn’t say anything and when I glance over at him, he just looks at me, before turning back to the woman at the desk.

“She’s on the third floor, room two-two-eight,” she finally says. “Elevators are just over there.”

“Thank you,” the detective replies, pocketing his badge as we all make our way over to the elevator.

My body feels wired, like every muscle is twitching, every nerve firing, my heart fucking pounding. I can’t seem to keep still, my eyes watching the lights over the door as they slowly climb to number three. When the doors finally open, I have to force myself not to barge through, pushing everyone aside.

Even though none of this is a secret anymore, that Zoey’s family and friends know about her and I being together, Zoey doesn’t actually know this. Although I have to think she’d know I would go to them after she didn’t show up at my house.

Still, none of this has played out the way we planned it to.

“This is her room,” the detective says, stopping outside a door where a uniformed cop stands awkwardly watching us. “I’ll let you have some time with her while I go and speak to the other detective.”

“Thanks,” Jeff says, offering him a smile as he pushes open the door and we follow him inside.

The room is empty. The bed is unmade and surrounded by a couple of monitors and two chairs. I’m about to turn around and ask where the hell she is when the sound of running water hits me, before the door to what I assume is the bathroom opens and there she is.

“Zoey,” I breathe out, as she takes us all in, her eyes wide, her mouth open in surprise.

She looks fucking exhausted, her face drawn and dark circles under her eyes and when I glance down to the flimsy hospital gown she’s wearing, I see dark bruising and red welts around her wrists, cuts on her arms.

“Zoey,” Pam cries, just as Zoey whispers, “Ethan,” before running toward me.

I don’t hesitate, dropping her bag on the floor before I pull her into my arms, crushing her body against mine as I bury my face against her neck. I feel her whole body trembling and I tighten my hold on her, practically encircling her body with mine.

“Baby, are you okay?” I whisper, my mouth at her ear. “Are you—”

“I’m okay,” she breathes out, her arms wrapping around me, her fingers digging into my back. “I’m okay.”

“Fuck,” I breathe out, lifting my head. “I never…never thought. Jesus, I’ve been so…”

Zoey smiles up at me now, her hand brushing against my cheek, as she leans up and kisses me. “I’m okay, Ethan, I promise,” she whispers against my mouth. I kiss her again, unable to stop myself. “Are you alright?” she eventually asks, pulling back a little.

I let out a humorless laugh. “No, of course not. I’ve been worried sick about you,” I say, leaning down to press my forehead against hers. “Are you really okay? Did they…did…” I can’t bring myself to ask the question, to give voice to my worst fear about what might have been done to her.

But Zoey shakes her head in answer, her hand still cupping my cheek. “No, nothing happened, Ethan, not that.”

I let out the breath I didn’t even realize I was holding as I feel a weight lift off me, the relief flooding through me that my worst fears haven’t been realized. “Thank fuck,” I breathe out, my eyes closing.

I feel her thumb as it brushes against my cheekbone. “So, my family knows about us, huh?”

My eyes open as I press another kiss to her lips. “Um, yeah,” I reply, glancing over her shoulder at where they stand, watching us, no doubt waiting for a chance to see their daughter. “They do,” I add. “I kinda had to, you know…”

Zoey smiles, kissing me again as she whispers, “Good.” She squeezes me quickly before letting go and turning to greet her family.

I watch as both Pam and Jeff embrace her together, folding her into their arms and pressing kisses to her head. Pam is crying and when I glance over at Max, I see him watching them, a soft smile on his face.