Page 20 of Born a Hero

Dena felt his eyes digging holes into her soul, and she reached out with her hand to feel his fingers clasping hers.

Before she could confess her secret, another voice broke into their little tête-à-tête and the moment was lost.


Sonja, who found it hard to sleep a whole night through, saw two adults at the window and decided to join them. It wasn’t until she got closer that she realized who sat there. Her approach had broken up a warm atmosphere, and she wished she’d just stayed away.

Now that it was too late to turn back, she sat next to Dena and leaned in close. Funny how she felt so comfortable with this woman and her son, Justin. With her own family, ever since her wonderful son, Jamie, had married and brought back his wife Charlene to meet her, she’d tried really hard to be welcoming and affectionate, but it never quite seemed authentic.

Growing up as a single child, her son had enjoyed a very loving relationship with his parents, always appearing to be happy when he came home to spend weekends and vacations with them. And that happened often when he’d been alone or even with his various girlfriends.

Then he’d married and everything had changed. Her daughter-in-law either didn’t know how to share her personal space or didn’t want to. The only person she appeared to welcome close was her husband and later on her two kids. But for Sonja, there was a huge distance she could never seem to bridge.

Oh, not that it was obvious. Neither woman let it show. Sonja cared too much for her son and grandkids to ever let the constraints in her relationship with the female in their life create any tension. She kept the stress she experienced inside, always tiptoeing on pins and needles. Always worrying she would overstep, never feeling quite welcome to give a hug that held any real warmth.

She’d have cut her tongue out before saying anything though. She liked to think she had more class. Yet she’d give all the money she had to be able to relax in the same way with Charlene as she could with Dena… the girl she’d only spent two days with and yet felt as if she’d known her for years.

Funny how strangers could become so important in such a short time whereas family could still feel like strangers after how many years. Moments ago when she’d approached Dena and Bryce, they’d both held out hands of welcome to guide her close so she could snuggle into their circle. They’d been pleased to see her and happy to be together.

Her insides twisted with regret.

Why couldn’t situations be the same with everyone? God knows, she’d tried and would continue to give her best to her family, thankful that at least her grandkids loved her even if it did take some time for them to relax in her presence.

Maybe now with this storm happening in her neighborhood, and her being in the thick of the danger, they might come to the realization that she mattered. How sad was that to be thinking in such a negative way? And yet, one could dream.

Recently, she’d come to dread the empty years ahead on her own after Hank, her fun-loving, affectionate husband had passed. Living alone so much of the time and with a family only willing to be with her out of obligation sucked. She breathed a little prayer.

Please God, let them discover they care about me.

Chapter Twenty

Once Sonja had joined their little group, they carried on a conversation, mostly about what each thought would happen the next day. While Bryce and Sonja discussed what they hoped would happen, Dena let them talk and she reminisced about their present predicament.

A sadness came over her. If only they’d been alone. And yet she understood this wasn’t the right time or place for the confession she owed him.

She knew they’d meet again under better circumstances. And when she looked at him chatting with Sonja and the gentle way he treated the woman he obviously held in high esteem, she relaxed. They would have their moment.

Watching the two other adults and seeing Sonja giggle at something silly Bryce had said on purpose, she felt a rush of affection for the woman who’d been so kind to first her boy and then herself. She’d acted more like a mother than Dena ever remembered experiencing from her own.

That woman had worked hard, she’d give her that. She’d also kept their home together when her dad had become ill. But Dena didn’t remember any real love or even mild affection during those hard years. It was all about surviving the best they could.

By the time her dad passed, her mom had given up on looking good, and only her jobs seemed to matter. Then she met another man, and the whole world changed. She began to care again and started spending money and time on herself. Weeks into their romance, she took off. It happened so fast; Dena sometimes swore the woman had left skid marks on the floor. Dena did get a birthday card most years and kept in touch, but she sensed nothing there other than a mild interest.

It had been different with Dena when Justin arrived kicking and squalling, the cutest baby on the hospital ward. She’d felt instant love pouring from her for her precious baby boy. Nothing could have stopped those prideful emotions flooding into her heart.

Glancing at Sonja now, she knew one thing for certain. If Dena ever held out a hand or even her arms, Sonja would accept either of the gestures in the way they were meant… with love and gratitude.

Just to see if she’d imagined all this, when they stood to go back to their beds, Dena did hold out her arms, a little shy, a little worried she might have overstepped or had the wrong impression. But a second later when Sonja had welcomed the hug and even bestowed a warm kiss on her cheek, she knew she hadn’t gotten anything wrong. This little old woman was a huge heart on two legs.

She decided then and there, she’d never lose touch with the older woman. Her and Justin would keep this happy soul in their lives for as long as the universe allowed.


Bryce finally settled in his place and his mind wandered back to those moments before Sonja had joined them. Warmth flooded at the memory. In those few seconds, it felt like they were back in time, when they’d been alone in the world.

Thrilled, he’d been certain that Dena would reach out. In fact, she had with her hand, and he’d been delighted that she’d felt comfortable enough to do so. He just hoped she’d also be as certain about his reaction when telling him the truth.

Please, God. Let it be what he wanted to hear. That Justin was his son.