Page 19 of Born a Hero

His fingers drove her insane with greed when they searched and found her wet and needy. He’d brought her to a mind-blowing climax just from manipulating her lushness where aroused nerve ends shattered.

When they’d finally reached the bed, she’d lost all inhibitions. Pleasing this man had become her ultimate goal, and pleasure him she did. Just as he’d delighted her. Shuddering spasms of satisfaction had occurred and not just once. Their night had been one of passion and then fantasies.

Fantasies because when she woke the next morning, he’d left. No trace of the man. No number to call… nothing. Her body’s retention of the joy he’d given her had lingered along with his body’s imprint on the opposite side of the bed. She knew the meeting had been real, but the following days of waiting to hear, and eventually self-pity when she didn’t, transformed her completely.

Never again would she be able to pick up just any stranger and bring him home. She began searching out new goals, a whole different lifestyle, but never was she able stop those daydreams of their time together or wipe out the memory of her prince.

The same man who she looked at across the room now. The hero who’d not only saved her, but his own son. Would he be happy to know about this bond to Justin. After all, she’d lied to him that he could make love to her without taking precautions. Maybe he wouldn’t believe her beautiful boy was his descendant. She wouldn’t blame him in that case.

Before she could approach him and ask to talk, Liam had returned, and everyone was needed to help his passengers. And so it continued the rest of that day and that night. Thankfully, some of the guests had brought along bags of food they had managed to salvage and were willing to share. Plus, Sonja had two boxes of nutrition bars in the sacks her and Bryce had stored, so everyone indulged in those, especially the children.

By the next day, the waters had receded to where adults were able to walk through the stream rather than swim to safety. A few of their rescued guests thanked them for their hospitality and decided to head to where the land was higher, and they could be picked up by friends and family.

Others like Rose and Liam decided to give it a bit more time before venturing out in the chilly air. They all worked hard at trying to keep each other warm and calm. That night, after the children and most of the adults were cuddled into blankets and quilts, sleeping, Dena lay awake.

When she noticed the form of a man going to the window, she left the warmth of her companions, wrapped her own blanket around her shoulders, and followed.

Thankful it was Bryce who she’d seen, she stepped closer to where he sat. “Can I join you?”

Bryce seemed to sense her there and smiled. “Of course. Glad to have company. I couldn’t settle.”

“Yet you must be exhausted. You haven’t rested all day. Between helping Liam with the rescues and checking some of the poor patients lucky to have you, it’s been pretty much non-stop.”

“You noticed?”

“Yes. And I also noticed that when you moved a certain way, you’d grimace from the pain and even clutch your chest. Were you hurt in the storm?”

“No. It’s reaction from another injury, one that I was still healing from when the storm hit. I’d been hiking, took a fall, and cracked a few ribs.”

“And now you’re back where you started, having to let them mend again.”

“Pretty much.” His rueful grin didn’t cover his distress.

“Can’t find a comfortable way to relax, can you?”

“Not really. I just took a couple of those Tylenol, and they should kick in soon. At least tonight I’m not afraid to sleep in case someone is in trouble. Most of the folks around here have gotten to safety, and they’ll be sending help for the others tomorrow.”

“How long do you think it will take before the water recedes to where it’s back to normal?”

“I’m surprised it didn’t clear more today. I’m guessing it’s that late rainfall that’s the problem.”

“Me too. Just when I thought the wind was finally going to ease off, the rain began to get serious. Let’s hope tomorrow is better.”

“My cell is gone, otherwise I’d be checking.”

“Mine too. Oh well, we’re safe and sound, thanks to you.”

“Don’t forget our superwoman, Sonja.” He added cheekily.

Laughing softly, she agreed. “I could never forget that wonderful soul. Justin’s in love with her, especially when she agreed to keep the puppy for him in case no one claims it. We had a talk… well, actually, he did the talking and said we need to move to a ground floor place that will takehisdog.”

Bryce laughed. “I never met a kid so single-minded about being absolutely sure that dog will never be claimed. Well, other than by him.”

They both looked over at the mound she’d left and saw Justin with his arm around the sleeping furball next to him. The two had cuddled together as if it were meant to be. Dena’s heart dropped at the thought of having to find another place to live and go through another move. Yet how could she say no to a boy who never asked for anything.

“You can see that too? His single-mindedness?” Suddenly relaxed, she realized how much enjoyment she felt from their whispered communication. “This seldom happens, but when his heart’s involved, he can be a determined little man.”

“Kind of like I was as a boy. He reminds me of myself.”