Though, as Elizabeth, a one-time lover and still a good friend, had pointed out once to him—BDSM relationships were like vanilla relationships on steroids. A first date involving rope and a flogger was, by its very nature, more intimate and intense than dinner and a movie.

Whatever happened going forward, he was super turned on at the moment, despite his recent orgasm. Already, his cock was tingling, his balls tightening in anticipation of what he had planned for her.

He reached into his gear bag and pulled out the small pillow he’d packed for the scene. “Lift your ass,” he directed. “I’ll want better access during this session than we had back at the resort.”

Sophia looked confused. “But the latex,” she began.

“This will be a little different than last time,” he interrupted. “You’ll see. Now, do as you’re told.”

Sophia obligingly lifted her ass, allowing Nick to slide the plump pillow underneath her, forcing her hips up.

“Good. Now, spread your legs as wide as you can while still keeping them on the bed. As she complied, he added, “You’ve already demonstrated you can take quite a lot. Tonight, I want to push you to the very edge. I want to test your limits of erotic pain and pleasure. Do I have your permission?”

“Yes, Sir,” Sophia said, her eyes shining, her lips softly parted. “Yes, please, Sir,” she added with a small, saucy grin.

Nick smiled back, his eyes narrowing with anticipation. “Excellent. I’m going to pull up the latex top sheet and zip you in place. There’s already a hole cut for your mouth. Before I turn on the pump, I need to make a few additional alterations.”

He pulled out a pair of scissors and a Sharpie pen. Sophia’s eyes widened in question. Before she could ask, he said, “I want access to your pretty little cunt, not to mention those lovely nipples.” He crouched beside her and pulled the latex loosely over her to mark the right spots. He drew strategic circles and set the pen aside. Lifting the latex sheet, he cut the holes he’d marked.

“Remember,” he said as he pulled the latex sheet up over her body once more. “If you don’t feel you can speak, your safe signal is to waggle your tongue. Got that?”

Sophia nodded, a combination of fear and excitement radiating from her in almost-tangible waves.

He placed a sleep mask over her eyes. “I’m going to seal you in now and turn on the pump.” Getting to his feet, he zipped the latex closed around the perimeter of the bed. He adjusted the top sheet until the holes were properly aligned over her mouth, breasts and cunt.

“Stick out your tongue if you’re ready to begin,” Nick directed, his finger on the switch that would activate the pump.

Her pretty pink tongue appeared from between pouting lips.

He flicked the switch and the pump came to life. Its vacuum-cleaner hum filled the room as it sucked the air from between the layers of latex, effectively shrink-wrapping the naked girl.

He started at her breasts, which rose in luscious, rounded mounds above the latex, her nipples fully erect. He took two individual clover clamps from his bag. Pulling each nipple taut in turn, he pressed open the clamp and let it close again, catching and compressing each nipple in the process.

Sophia moaned through the aperture in the latex, the sound one of both pleasure and pain unique to sexual masochists. Satisfied with his handiwork, Nick retrieved the rabbit vibrator from his bag and crouched at the base of the bed. After lubing both the phallus and the clit stimulator, he eased the phallus carefully inside her and positioned the rabbit ears snuggly against her clit.

Getting to his feet, he took a step back to survey the lovely, bound girl. She looked phenomenally sexy—immobilized in latex, her nipples clamped, her cunt stuffed, her mouth in a pout as if waiting for a kiss. She was completely at his mercy, and he planned to make the most of it.

Returning the lube to the gear bag, he pulled out the rabbit’s remote, along with his favorite single tail whip. He turned the remote to its lowest setting, causing Sophia to jerk beneath the latex. Taking a step back, he snapped the whip experimentally against her right breast, careful to avoid the clamp.

She gave a small cry as she registered the pain. A lovely red mark appeared where the tip of the leather whip had made contact.

He gave her left breast a matching mark and whipped his way along her torso and down to her mons. Then he turned up the remote a notch, pulling a sexy moan from his captive’s lips.

Added pleasure called for additional pain. He snapped the whip against her thighs and the soles of her latex-covered feet. That got a strong response, as he’d known it would, her cry far louder than before.