He turned up the remote another notch to distract her, and then reached once more into his goody bag. He pulled out a very thin, whippy cane, perfect for marking tender breasts.

He whipped it in the air near her ear, curious if she could hear its whistle over the sound of the pump. Apparently, she could, because she reacted to the sound by tensing and emitting a small cry of alarm—or was it anticipation?

Setting the cane aside for the moment, he regarded her compressed nipples. While she could have withstood that particular torture longer since her nipples had surely numbed by now, he didn’t want the clamps interfering with the cane.

Crouching beside her, he grasped each clamp between thumb and forefinger. He compressed the springs to release her nipples from their vise-like grip. As the blood flowed back, Sophia yelped, probably as much from surprise as pain.

He quickly cupped her breasts, gently massaging the nipples with his palms. Bending over her, he kissed and licked each tortured nipple until her cries segued into sighs of pleasure.

His cock throbbing, he picked up the cane again and flicked the whippy rattan rod against the creamy mounds, leaving narrow red welts behind. Unable to resist in any way, Sophia squealed and moaned in her latex body sheath.

With the pain came more pleasure. He turned up the rabbit another notch, and Sophia emitted a low, guttural sound, like a cat in heat.

Crouching at the base of the bed, he flicked the cane at her spread thighs as the vibrator pulsed at her cunt. As welts rose on her skin beneath the latex, he turned up the vibrator to its highest level.

Getting to his feet, he walked around the bed, flicking the cane over her immobilized form. Her nipples were hard as pebbles, her entire body trembling, a steady moan issuing from her lips. Sophia twitched and cried out at each cruel flick of the cane. At the same time, the vibrator was drawing her inexorably toward climax. Her moans and breathy sighs were like fingers massaging his cock. If he so much as touched himself, he would explode.

As he moved around her, he kept a careful eye on her face, listening for her safeword, watching for her safe signal, but Sophia held out. He’d never been with anyone before who could take as much as she could. She was fucking awesome.

The pleasure was now overtaking the pain. Sophia writhed beneath the latex, her orgasmic cry a keening wail. The cane fell from Nick’s hand as he watched in admiration and delight. His cock was hard as steel, his own recent climax notwithstanding. He couldn’t wait to make proper love to this sensual, responsive woman.

Deciding she’d had enough, he flicked off the vibrator and gently pulled it from her body. He considered climbing over her then and there. He would thrust himself into the hole he’d cut away while she remained captive beneath the latex, still wracked with post-orgasmic aftershocks.

But he wanted more than that with Sophia. He wanted more than to use her body solely for his own sadistic and sexual pleasure. He would take her up to one of the VIP bedrooms on the top floor of the club. There, he would make love to her. Slow, delicious, intimate love.

He flicked off the pump, releasing the suction that held her down. In the sudden silence, he asked, “You all right, Sophia?”


Nick unzipped the latex and peeled it back. Sophia’s body was sheened with sweat, her cheeks flushed, her nipples still at full attention. He gently lifted the sleep mask from her eyes.

She squinted up at him with a sexy, sleepy smile.

“Hey, you,” he said, a sudden tenderness nearly overwhelming him. What was happening to him?

Gently, he slipped an arm beneath her shoulders and helped her to a sitting position. As he tucked a curl behind one seashell pink, perfect ear, he asked again, “You okay, baby?”

“Oh, yeah,” she sighed, still smiling that dreamy smile. Her blue-green eyes sparkled like sea glass. “Nick, that was incredible. Let’s do it again.”

Nick laughed, delighted with her. “Insatiable girl. I love that about you.”

He helped her to stand and then took her into his arms. He placed his hand lightly on the back of her head as he pressed his mouth to hers. Her lips parted and he slipped his tongue past them as he pulled her into a close embrace, loving the feel of skin on skin. His heart actually hurt in his chest, aching with tenderness, while at the same time, his cock, pressed hard against her hip, throbbed with lust.

When they parted, she stared up at him with shining eyes. “Holy moly,” she said with a breathless laugh. “The boy can kiss, too!”

With a joyous whoop, he lifted Sophia in his arms and carried her to the recovery couch.