Page 72 of Near Miss

“Smart move. Where are you now?”

“Long Island, at the home of someone I trust. But I’d rather not stay here long. The family has business interests in the area. You helped us once before, and I was hoping you could do the same again.”

“Would you consider a return to Islesboro? Or do you think Gromyko would suspect that?”

“I think that would be perfect. I doubt the Greek will look there.”

“Let me make a few calls and get back to you.”

They got off the phone, and Stone contacted Jimmy Hotchkiss, who knew everything about property on Islesboro. Jimmy promised to forward information to Stone by the morning.

Stone’s phone rang again.

“It’s Dino. I hear there’s a happy ending.”

“No, a happy ending would be if Gromyko were dead.”

“You think he was behind the disappearances?”

“Carly was kidnapped last evening. She said they were Russians, and he’s the number one Russian around here. Thanks for your help with her carry license. She’s carrying now.”

“Glad to hear it. Any word on Greco?”

“He’s safe and sound, so you can call off the dogs.”

“Did he say where?”

“Only in vague terms, which is probably for the best.”


“He is also out of your jurisdiction.”

“The news keeps getting better and better. Then, if everything’s settled, I should probably do some work.”

“The taxpayers would appreciate it.”

“See ya.” Dino hung up.

Joan came back in with Carly. “Okay, she’s ready to go. The Thunderwear is being overnighted.”

“Don’t either of you shoot the FedEx guy,” Stone said. “Fred awaits. Carly, remember: no leaving the house or the office without him, me, or both of us.”

She tapped her head. “And you remember, I never forget anything.”

“I’ll take her to the garage,” Joan said.

After they left, Stone sat down and took some deep breaths.

Chapter 36

The speaker on Lauren’s desk buzzed, followed by the Bean Counter saying, “Send him in.”

She looked at Korolev, not hiding her concern.

He gave her a smile that said everything would be fine and then headed to the door. Everything was not fine. He had been dreading this meeting since Lauren had woken him with a call at nineam, telling him he was expected at eleven.

He entered his boss’s office.