Page 71 of Near Miss

“I want some of that spray for my handbag,” Joan said.

“Any idea who they were?” Stone asked.

“I heard a voice over a radio speaking in Russian, right before I was knocked out.”

“Anyway, she’s safe,” Stone said. “Carly, do you feel like going to work at Woodman & Weld or would you like to rest?”

“Work sounds good right now.”

“Joan, call Herb Fisher and tell him Carly is on the way in, and not to give her a hard time about being late.”

“Right.” Joan disappeared.

“All right, listen carefully, Carly. You are not to leave this house or Woodman & Weld, except in my company or that of Fred in the Bentley. Got that?”

“Got it.”

Joan came into the office, waving an envelope. “Carly’s carry license came, delivered by a uniform.” She handed it to Carly.

“Good timing. Find her a .380, a couple of spare magazines, and a box of cartridges.” Joan nodded.

Carly opened the envelope and stared at the license.

“That is a license to carry, not a license to kill,” Stone said. “If you kill somebody who is not shooting at you or strangling you at the time, your life will change forever, and for the worse.”

“I understand all that,” she said. “You’ve told me before. Could I have shot those two guys who took me last night?”

“Only while they were engaged in the taking of you.”

“Okay, point taken.”

“That being said, carry it everywhere. Joan, find her that catalog of holsters, and let her pick out something. Some ladies prefer the Thunderwear.”

“The what?”

“Joan will explain that to you. Joan, call Fred, brief him, and ask him to take Carly to work, but not until her weapon is loaded and available.”

Joan beckoned Carly to follow her, and they left.

The phone rang, and Stone grabbed it. “Yes?”

“It’s Herb. What the fuck is going on?”

“Carly will be on the way soon, and she’ll explain it to you. She’s going to be traveling armed now, so watch yourself.”

“Is she going to shoot me?”

“Not if you’re careful of her.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere near her.”

“That’s a good policy.” Stone’s cell phone rang. “Gotta go.” He picked up the other call. “Yes?”

“Stone, it’s Peter Greco.”

“Peter, Thomas Kinder has been looking everywhere for you. Are you all right?”

“I’m fine, and I just talked to Kinder. I saw a face I recognizednear the Waldorf and thought it best if my family and I found alternative lodging right away.”