Page 126 of The Vampire Crown

She bows, first to me, then to Alaric. If I didn’t know better, I would think he prefers it, if for no other reason than it makes me squirm.

Deferring to me first is something few do, most likely because I am human in their eyes—the truth of which I have only told Alaric. And neither of us intends to correct that assumption.

“I wanted to thank you both for everything.” Her pink gaze flicks to Alaric, then back to me, taking my hands in hers. “You, especially. I am sorry I couldn’t do more….”

Not many would stay where they were held captive for centuries after regaining their freedom.

“You have done more than most,” I say. Then, the prickle of curiosity alights on my tongue. “Now that you are no longer the Voice, will you tell us your name?”

She blinks, lists her head to the side, but doesn’t answer.

I glance at Alaric uncertainly. He shrugs with one shoulder, offering no help. “The Voice cannot be your name,” I say with a grimace.

She laughs. “No. It most certainly is not.” She sighs, a blend of wistfulness and sorrow. “My name… was lost a long time ago.”

Lost. Not forgotten. I am uncertain how that is possible, but nevertheless, I let the subject drop.

She looks between us, a furtive curl to the corners of her mouth. “I see you managed to restore the bond.”

Alaric and I exchange a wary look. “What do you mean?” I ask.

“Don’t you remember?”

I shake my head.

“After you killed Elizabeth, I told you that the bond had never been broken. The elixir I gave you was more than a tonic to prevent infection and help you sleep.”

Alaric tenses, shifts. I reach for his hand, keeping him from reacting.

“It muted your connection, making it dormant. A pinch of bitter thorn was all it took.” She turns to address Alaric. “Elizabeth needed to believe she succeeded in breaking the bond,” she says kindly but without apology.

Neither Alaric nor I speak. It’s hard to be upset when her actions benefited us. Still, it would have been nice to know earlier.

The tension eases from his muscles. He stretches his fingers, then coils them with mine. I squeeze his hand gently.

A ruddy wolf lopes toward us, but I don’t notice until he is about to barrel into me. I flinch, preparing myself for the impact.

When the collision doesn’t come, I slowly peel open my eyes to find Oliver, inches from my face. His grin making it clear he intentionally wanted me to think he was about to knock me on my ass again. I level him with a scowl, but it’s the soft growl behind me warning him to move back that he heeds.

Oliver clears his throat and pointedly ignores Alaric. “I have come to say goodbye. It’s time I returned to my pack.” His eyes darken with something I can’t read. “I’ve received word that the mist is beginning to dissipate, and will continue to do so until it is gone.”

I catch what he doesn’t say aloud. Without the wall the Keep will no longer be their safe haven.

“What will you do now?” I ask.

Oliver shrugs, never once losing his bright smile. “Now with you as queen, there isn’t much use for it anymore.”

In the distance, a howl resonates, stretching from the edges of the forest across the plains. We all turn toward the sound, listening. Oliver cocks his head, understanding the message.

“There are things beyond its borders that are waking for the first time in centuries and there’s no telling what will come of it.”

“Thank you, Oliver. For everything.”

“Will you still not call me Oli?” he asks with a false pout.

I smile and shake my head.

He shrugs and takes my hand as he bows, kissing my knuckles. Then without warning, he wraps me up in a tight hug.