Page 127 of The Vampire Crown

“I suggest you remove yourself from her person before you regret it,” Alaric says, low and dark.

I laugh at his reaction, swatting Oliver’s shoulder. “You shouldn’t tease him like that.”

He releases me and steps back. “If you are ever in need of my services, my pack will return to the Shade forest in a month’s time.”

I reach out and grab his sleeve before he can leave. “We wanted to thank you both, for staying as long as you have, and agreeing to be part of the court.”

Alaric slips an arm around my waist, tucking me into his side, putting more space between Oliver and me.

“We were honored,” the Voice says.

Oliver snuffs. “You should learn not to speak for others.”

She raises a brow. “Oh, were you inconvenienced by the position? My apologies.”

“Of course not,” he says indignantly, then rolls his eyes when she and Alaric cannot hide their laughter.

The swan who has stood back has inched closer since Oliver’s arrival. The Voice follows the direction of my gaze, then shares a furtive smile with me. She bows to us once more, then turns and descends the castle’s front steps.

He follows without hesitation. I can’t tell if he’s taken it upon himself to be her personal guard or if he is smitten with her.

Halfway down the stairs, she shifts. Her long delicate arms transform into wings with feathers as white as snow. A few heartbeats later, he slips into his swan form and joins her, and together they disappear into the clouds.



The dark spiresof Nightwich no longer scrape their claws against the sky. Nothing more remains of the castle but rubble filling the ravine bordering the eastern side.

I wanted it gone for many reasons. But most of all, for Alaric and Varin. There will be no trace of her legacy left, nothing for the world to remember her by. And slowly, year by year, until all memory of her fades entirely.

There was too much pain trapped within the walls, haunting the darkened corners, and waiting in the shadows, ready to rear up. Too many suffered and died within its cold stone walls.

We took the silver and gold and melted it down to pay for the railway already being built. It will span over the land, giving rise to new cities and towns while allowing smaller, poorer villages like Littlemire to flourish. Humans will be able to travel greater distances faster and without fear of being attacked by wild demons.

The court will meet twice a year until things have settled. Adjustments will be necessary as situations arise we weren’t able to anticipate.

“Clara?” Alaric’s hand alights on my shoulder. The way he says my name makes me think it wasn’t the first time.

I turn my face up, blinking. He smiles, but it does not reach his eyes.

“Are you ready?” he asks, with a gesture toward the waiting carriage.

Ready… ready to put this place behind us, to heal, to make new memories, to stop being afraid, to find happiness.

But most of all, I am ready to live.

“Yes,” I say.

He tucks my hand into the crook of his elbow, and together we turn and walk away, never looking back.

The past is full of shadows, but like the dawn, we will fill whatever lies ahead of us with light. I have never desired power or a crown. It can be blinding when looking in from the outside. The truth is, such things come with invisible shackles weighing you down.

We climb into the carriage and begin the journey back to Windbury, where we will make a quiet life and wake beside each other every evening.


One year later