Page 20 of Malachi

Into her chest, I cried like a newborn baby. I clung to her, never wanting to let go.

“You’re awake. Oh my God, you’re awake.”

“I’m going to give you two some time alone.”

“Can you get me a new needle?” Jae huffed. “I’m going to start a new IV and give this vein a rest. It’s swollen.”

“She tried to rip all of that sh—stuff out and I don’t blame her. I’ll be back in a minute.”

“Thank you, Edwards.”

“Hiiiiiiiii,” Jae sang, pulling me away momentarily before bringing me back in.

It was then I realized how much I reeked.

“I stink,” I cried, emotions overcoming me.

“You stink,” Jae agreed, nodding her head and pulling back.

Tears fell from her dark green eyes. She was even more beautiful than I’d remembered.

Snot dripped from my nose as I asked, “Can you help me take a bath? Please?”

“Stop begging, Aeir. You’ve only been awake for two minutes.” She laughed through her tears.

She began peeling the tape from the tubes and removing them one by one. Blood sprouted from the IV in my arm, but she quickly placed a cotton ball on top of the wound and taped it down to stop the bleeding. I watched her work, using my other hand to wipe my eyes.

“I never gave up on you, Aeir. I just need you to know that, okay? I never did and I never will.”

“I know. I know.” I nodded.

“I knew you were in there, somewhere, fighting. So, I fought for you, baby girl. I fought long and I fought hard, but I never gave up.”

“Whe-where’s Mom and Dad?”

The sadness in her eyes told a million different stories. I was left to wonder which was true. Instead of making myself sick with worry, I asked again.

“Where are they? Are they okay?”

“It was your mother who I had to fight, Aeir. Her broken heart clouded her judgment and, in the end, she wanted to pull the plug. In the end, it was your father who turned over their rights and named me power of attorney.”

“Their rights?” My heart hurt. Hearing my father had stripped himself of his rights to make decisions for my well-being stung. Since I was a little girl, he’d been my rock. He and I were the closest. I loved him so much, it hurt most days.

“He never gave up on you, either. He just couldn’t stand to see you that way, couldn’t stand the silence, couldn’t stand not hearing your voice… your laughter. He didn’t want to make a decision based on his emotions and the pain in his heart, so he thought I’d be a better fit for the job.”

“Does he visit?”

“Seldomly. He’s a bit more broken each time he walks out of that door. It breaks my heart to hear his voice or see his aching body as he exits. Several times, I’ve contemplated removing him from the visitation list. Your condition has aged him rapidly.”

“Can you call him?”

I needed him, needed to hear his voice and for him to hear mine. Whatever pain he was feeling, I wanted him to suffer no longer. It all ended today. As for my mother, I had no words.

“Of course.”

She pulled her cell out of her pocket and dialed his number. The ringing commenced as Jae placed the call on speaker. After the third ring, there was an answer.

“Yeah?” he grunted, clearing his throat.