Page 19 of Malachi


“Unbelievable,” he grunted. “Like she was asleep and woke right up.”

“She pulled the tube out herself,” Unique explained.

“So, there’s movement.”



“She hasn’t said much but—”

“What is your name, sweetheart?” he asked, moving closer to the edge of the bed and removing the cover from my foot. With a pen from his pocket, he swiped across the bottom, causing my entire body to react.

“Aeir. Aeir Rothshire.”



He paused, looking up at me as if I had two horns sprouting from my head before he cleared his throat and began to speak in fuller sentences, ones I could understand.

“Almost no one wakes up from comas after the first year. Their body wastes away. Deteriorates. Your spine was shattered. There was no brain activity because you were deprived of oxygen for so long after your car accident. Every inch of your body was bruised from the impact and burns covered you from head to toe.

“Your car exploded just as medics arrived on the scene. When they brought you in, we were certain you wouldn’t make it through the night. You’ve had a total of sixteen surgeries. Medicine and science says you shouldn’t be here, but the God I serve said otherwise. Today, all this time later, there are absolutely no signs of trauma to your body or neurological system. Your spine has healed itself. Your skin has healed. Your body doesn’t tell the story of one that’s been deteriorating.

“There are tests that will need to be taken to confirm, but it’s already confirmed in His book. Seeing how much Jae loves you left me no choice but to cover you daily. God made good on His promise. I know this is scary and the next few weeks will push you beyond your limits, but I want you to know that the best is yet to come, Ms. Rothshire.

“I’m going to order some tests for the morning and get out of your hair. I’ll see you tomorrow while I’m making my rounds. Ms. Edwards, free her up a bit. She’s going to be just fine.”

He referred to the cords dangling from my upper body.

“Your cousin, Dr. Rothshire, will be happy to learn that you’re awake. He’s been keeping the faith.”

Immediately, I knew who he was referring to. Though Isir, Isaiah and I were second cousins, they’d always looked out for me and made sure I was alright. Hearing him mention Isir was no surprise.

“Thank you.”

“Goodnight. I’ll see you in the morning, young lady.”


Sniffling came from my right side, where Unique was standing. She lowered her head as she wiped her eyes with the shirt underneath her scrubs. With furrowed brows, I tried processing her tears and why they felt so personal.

“Sorry. I just… we’ve all been rooting for you. There was just something special about you when they brought you to our floor. We’ve fought hard to keep you here, keep you with us.”

“How long have I been here?” I finally asked, afraid of the answer that would come from her mouth. Dr. Joyner hinted at a year, but something told me it was much longer.

“Two years,” she told me.

“Tw-two years?”

I felt like the wind had been knocked out of my chest, but as quickly as I’d lost oxygen, Jae’s presence reimbursed me.

“Oh, baby!”

With stretched arms, she rushed to my side. Our bodies collided, hers cradling mine and pulling me deeper into her embrace. She felt so familiar to me. The emptiness I felt before she walked through the door disappeared. But, there were more tears, so many tears.