Feelings like that won’t just go away. Being tied to him will only make things harder.
“Well, I better get back to work.” I sound resigned.
I am. I’m so stressed out, and I have no idea what to do. Cora will give me a mouthful when I tell her that I haven’t told Luca about the kids yet.
“You haven’t finished your lunch,” Taylor points out.
“I’m not hungry.”
“I probably should get back too.” Taylor checks the watch on his wrist. “I’ll see you later.” He gives me a quick side hug, unlocks the door, and then runs across the street to his bookshop.
I turn the lock again and press my forehead against the glass. It’s cool on my heated skin.
“Everything will be fine,” I say, trying to convince myself of the impossible.
Chapter Eight
For the last few days, I’ve been keeping a close eye on Camilla. She’s out of her mind if she thinks I’d ever leave her alone. If I’m not watching her, someone else I trust is.
And who I don’t trust?
Taylor. Camilla’s…friend. He runs the bookstore across the street, and while nothing appeared on his background check that I ran, something didn’t sit right with me. I don’t like how he spoke to me. He knew too much, and someone who knows that much has done questionable things in their life.
It’s around nine at night, and I’m across the street, parked in my car, looking up at the balcony above her bakery. Camilla is outside, leaning against the railing, her hands folded together, and from here, I can see her shoulders shaking as she cries.
My hands grip the steering wheel until my knuckles are white. I hate seeing her so down, so beaten, and defeated. There are so many unanswered questions I have that I want her to answer, but I know I’m low on her priority list.
I’ll earn her trust, and eventually, I’ll be the person she comes to when she feels like this.
She straightens, wiping her under-eye, then tilts her head back to stare at the night sky. She’s more beautiful than the day I met her. She was young, shy, and curious, but now she’s a strong woman. I can tell she doesn’t take shit from people. She’s had to do too much on her own.
And it must be exhausting.
Camilla is so used to being on her own. Whatever she’s been through in the last five years has left her guarded and independent. It will be harder to get close to her now that the real world has rained its hard ways on her.
“I’ll make things better for you,” I say out loud to no one, but I wish she could hear me. I will protect her now, whether she likes it or not.
And that means making sure Taylor is who he says he is.
I wait until Camilla goes back inside and the living room light turns off. I imagine she’s getting into bed, tucking herself under the covers. I bet her cheeks are still wet from the tears she cried, and she reaches for the pillow across from her, wishing she wasn’t alone.
My lip curls at the thought, hating that she has to be by herself. I climb out of the car and ease the door shut, making sure not to make too much noise. I look up and down the street, finding it empty this time of night. Only the street lamps glow, and the one above me flickers and buzzes as the lightbulb fights to remain lit.
My phone buzzes as I walk down the street to Taylor’s bookstore. I swipe the green dot on my smartwatch.
“Bianco,” I answer.
“We have a problem at the club,” Alvize states. “The guy you beat up brought some friends to the club tonight. Looks like they want payback.”
I snort, then a dark chuckle escapes me as I take a left. I can’t break into the bookstore by going inside the front door. That would be foolish.
“Play with them and then kill them. Find out who their boss is and deliver their bodies to his doorstep. I can’t do anything about it tonight.”
“Do you need me with you?”
“No. I’m fine.” I look over my shoulder to make sure no one is following me. “I’m going to pop into the shop and leave. Something about him doesn’t feel right, and my feelings have never steered me wrong.”