Page 86 of Blood Gift

She melted against him, her aura all but purring as he fed her his little touches. “I wish I could say I’m surprised, but the lords were always fools.”

Lio knew she would hate what he had to say next. “Tuura and I need to make sure the Collector has not infiltrated the Council. We should go ahead with Karege and Lyros. Mak will stay here to communicate with Lyros through their Grace Union. Once we’re sure it’s safe, he can bring you, Solia, and the other Ashes to Patria.”

Fury tore through her aura, although she kept her voice factual. “You’re right. There is no sense in walking into what might be a trap. We must be sure the Collector isn’t lying in wait for me—or watching when Solia reveals her presence. If he found out she had returned, then he would tell Lucis before we’re ready.”

“You know I wouldn’t step out of your sight unless it was absolutely necessary. You’ll be safe here with Rudhira.”

Her hands curled into fists on his chest. “But I won’t be there to keep you safe. We defeated him together last time. What if he comes for you, and I’m not there?”

“I will have our allies with me and our Grace Union within me.”

“I know. I know this is the wise course of action. But all I feel is that I should be at your side.”

He tangled his fingers in her hair, tugging a little. Her eyes slid shut. He tilted her head back, speaking against her throat. “I understand, my Grace. There’s no wisdom in the Craving. Just need.”

“I hate him. We should be doing this together every step of the way.”

“We are. I will only be gone for a few hours at most.”

“I should be there, shedding blood into your spells.”

The scent of her blood curled around them, carrying on it a pulse of the shrine’s timeless power. He guided her hand to his throat and let her feel how his own pulse was racing. “I can think of much more pleasant ways for you to shed your blood for me. Right now.”

Hunger glazed her eyes. His fangs slid out. He could see she was done with wisdom for tonight. She would not be able to think clearly until he fed her.

But then she went still and snapped her head around, as if something had captured her attention in the woods beyond the camp. Knight pricked his ears in the same direction.

“What is it?” Lio followed her gaze. His night vision revealed nothing but trees.

“I’m not sure.” She looked into the verdant darkness, just like she had the night before. As if she sensed something he could not.

Did this have anything to do with what Kalos had said about drawing power from the wilds? Lio should ask Cassia for more details about what she sensed. This could be an opportunity to study what effect returning to Tenebra had on her awakening magic.

But the thought filled him with inexplicable frustration, and he found himself saying, “We shouldn’t leave the safety of the Sanctuary to investigate.”

“No, you’re right, of course.” Her aura reached. Not for his magic, but into the wilds to the east.

His fangs lengthened. He wanted her eyes on him. He needed her aura reaching for his magic.

His own Craving boiled his thoughts down to a very simple realization. He couldn’t bear for Cassia to need anything from Tenebra that she couldn’t find in Orthros. In him.

This goddessforsaken kingdom had kept his Grace from him before. How dare it hold her magic hostage now, too? He knew he was being a jealous fool, but all his Craving wanted was her Craving in return.

He called to her mind with his power. She gasped, and her wide hazel eyes focused on him again.

He stroked her cheek. “Did you like that, my Grace?”

She took hold of his collar and pulled him closer. He stroked her thoughts again.

She yanked his collar open and bit his throat. “Take me to our tent. Hurry.”

Yes. That was what he wanted to hear. Her demands. For him.

He stepped them to their tent, and the total darkness of veil spells closed around them. Hesperine magic seemed to cut them off from the world, and for a moment, he could forget they were in Tenebra.

The scent of her freshly shed blood filled the small space. He plucked at that thread of life and conjured a spell light. She watched the glow rise from her hand, then ran her bloodstained palm down her cheek, her eyes sliding shut. “Your magic feels so good.”

“Do you want more?”