“I want to feast on your power all night.”
She wanted to forget Tenebra, too. He could do this for her. Banish all the conflict inside her with their pure, basic need for each other.
He let his thelemancy wash through the mind ward, worshiping her unbroken Will. She tore at the front fasteners of his robe and nipped her way down his chest. Goddess, yes, this was right. Her need to devour him. He stood there and let her strip him, urging her on with pulses of magic into her thoughts. His robes and medallion landed on the ground, then his underlinens.
He pulled her against him, grunting as her soft belly pressed into his erection. He lifted his other hand to her head and, one by one, plucked out the pins holding her veil.
She shook out her hair, her aura stretching, eager for his magic. At her invitation, his power responded like his fangs at the smell of her blood. His magic strained toward her. He held it in check, letting it out in a measured wave.
She ran her nails down his back, sending a cascade of sensation over his skin. “Come deeper.”
“As deep as you want,” he promised. “Will you lie down for me?”
She slid from his arms with a sultry smile. “They say it’s dangerous to lie with a Hesperine.”
He grinned, letting his fangs out. “I’m not dangerous at all, I promise.”
“I know better, my mind mage. But I love to live dangerously with you.”
She stretched out on their bedroll, her ash-brown hair falling in a tousle around her. With one teasing finger, she lifted the hem of her robes to show him her ankle.
He levitated down over her at immortal speed and framed her between his arms. She jumped, her heart pattering with excitement.
His grin widened. “That is not a proper Kyrian response to a naked Hesperine threatening your virtue.”
Her gaze raked his body. “I am a very bad handmaiden.”
“How bad?” He hiked her robes up to her waist to expose her slim, freckled legs and demure underlinens.
“Not a maiden at all.”
Kneeling before her, he spread her legs and propped her feet apart on the wool army blanket. “I believe I had something to do with that on this very blanket.”
“You had a remarkable amount of virtue to lose, for a heretic.”
“And none of it left, after one taste of you.”
He stripped off her underlinens with a flick of levitation. Holding her ankles, he flared his nostrils, taking in the scent of her desire. He gazed down at her, half bared to him, half wrapped in linen. Her pretty blue robe would not look Kyrian at all when he stained it with the blood of the Feast.
She rose up on her elbows. “Bring those fangs of yours closer.”
“You asked to feast on my magic. I must fulfill that request first.” He let his power ripple through her mind.
Her lips parted, and her eyes slid shut.
“No,” he said, “look at me.”
Her lashes rose, a dusky flush spreading across her face.
“Do you want more of that, my Grace?”
Holding her gaze, he let his thelemancy roll out of him in soft currents. Her hands fisted in the blankets, and she began to pant. This time, he didn’t need to ask her if she wanted more. Her essence pulled hard on his, just like the time in the Maaqul Desert when they had discovered she could feast on his raw magic.
Anxiety flared in her aura. He ran his hands up the inside of her thighs to soothe her. “It’s all right. You know it’s natural to want my magic in place of my blood.”
“But my pull on you hasn’t felt this strong in a long time. Not since my Craving was dangerous.”