Page 266 of Blood Gift

“I don’t know. There’s simply a…wrongness…pulling me in that direction. As if the Lustra is trying to give us a warning.”

“I’m not carrying you into danger. We need to keep searching for the letting—” He broke off with a sharp intake of breath.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“A fire mage just crossed the thelemantic ward.”

“This way.” She pointed in the direction the Lustra was pulling her.

Lio hurried ahead, and they soon came to another stair. He levitated over the impassable tangle of ivy, Knight clearing it in one leap. They raced up through the next glowing portal.

When they emerged in a shallow gully sheltered by thickets, Cassia recognized the sentry tower on a nearby hill. This was an area of Flavian’s guard perimeter they had searched on their rides.

Lio went as still as only a Hesperine could, and she felt his veil spells holding her tightly. Knight let out a low growl.

“Baat,” she whispered. “What do you see?”

Lio took a step higher along the side of the gully, and she peered over the top.

In the torchlight, she could see the bodies of Flavian’s guards at the foot of the tower. A column of soldiers rode past with no regard for their victims. They were the hard men of the king’s guard, dressed in Tenebran royal colors of sky blue and gold.

In the lead was King Lucis, his sword drawn and stained with blood. An image out of her nightmares.

“Master Gorgos’s ward was supposed to stop them,” Cassia cried.

“There’s a gap in his spell,” Lio said.

“The king used his magic? He blasted through it?”

“I sense no fire spells. There’s an opening in the ward. A deliberate one that only the caster could have left.”

“Master Gorgos framed Severin,” Cassia realized. “He’s the spy.”

“He must have gotten word to the king that Lord Hadrian is here, then opened the ward after Lyros and Kella’s last patrol.”

“Oh, Goddess,” Cassia said. “I should have known better than to underestimate him. Sometimes fools do the greatest harm.”

“We have to get to the great hall and warn everyone.”

“Let me down. I can stand.”

He held her an instant longer as the soldiers rode past. Their horses’ hooves sent pebbles skittering down the side of the gully. Lio looked into her eyes, worry etching his face. “Will you let me leave you safely in the tunnels and warn everyone myself?”

“No! I’m coming with you. Whatever happens, we face it together. We fight together for the people we love.”

“I knew you’d say that. But I had to try.” He kissed her forehead, sending a powerful surge of his magic into her, then set her on her feet. “Can you manage?”

“If I don’t cast any more spells, your magic will keep me on my feet.”

“Once we reach the great hall, I’ll keep us veiled. We can split up and warn our allies throughout the room.”

“Without alerting Master Gorgos,” she agreed. “The warriors will know how best to mount a defense.”

Pulling her close, his other hand on Knight’s shoulder, Lio stepped them.

They arrived just inside the doors. Her gaze went to the dais, but no one yet occupied the Mage King’s chair. Council Shields lay at the foot of each banner. The two piles appeared to be the same size. She couldn’t tell who was winning, but saw the shield of Hadria below Solia’s banner and Lord Hadrian in the chair beside Sabina.

Lio stepped left and appeared behind Eudias’s chair. Master Gorgos sat next to him, observing the proceedings with his customary self-righteous expression, as if he had not sold out every soul in this room. Cassia darted right, heading for her sister. She dodged Lord Tyran, who strode up the central aisle with his Council Shield on his arm, oblivious to Knight’s tail a hand’s breadth from his leg.